June 7, 2016

More than 1,450 years of IAM service honoured

Toronto, ON – One of the highlights of the Canadian Staff Conference held June 1-4, 2016 in Toronto were the service awards given to members of the IAM Canadian staff. This year 52 members of staff representing more than 1,450 years of service to the IAM were honoured. The pins and certificates were presented by IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. Recipients for 15 years of service included Frank

Machinists Continue to Grow at Vancouver International

Tuesday June 7, 2016   For Immediate Release   Vancouver, BC – The IAM membership continues to grow at Vancouver International Airport with the latest organizing victory at Swissport International. “This organizing victory concerns aircraft groomers who were sub contracted out by the former Servisair Company,” explained IAM Transportation District 140 General Chairperson Todd Haverstock. “All Servisair work including subcontracted work performed by Avex Limited was absorbed by Swissport when

United Way Campaign

June 6, 2016   TO : Recording Secretaries of IAM Local Lodges in Canada   I am writing to endorse and encourage the support of your Local Lodge membership for the United Way Campaign in your community.   These are difficult times and we must work to assist the less fortunate in our communities to manage their lives with dignity.    Unions represent workers … and do so much more.

Machinists Organize Destination Chrysler

Tuesday June 7, 2016 For Immediate Release North Vancouver, BC – What began as a discussion over coffee at a Chrysler Training School between union and non-union mechanics has resulted in an organizing victory and 25 new members for IAM Local Lodge 1857. The workers at Destination Chrysler had workplace issues and following that discussion a call was made to IAM District Lodge 250. “I set up an initial offsite

Pagrach Takes Over Political Action

Monday June 6, 2016 Toronto, ON – Lou Pagrach has been appointed as Special Representative in charge of Political Action for Canada. “Lou has been a very active representative for IAM Transportation District 140 and has a reputation for spending considerable time in face-to-face communications with our members,” said IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. “This direct approach in dealing with IAM member issues will be invaluable in his

Sarrabezolles Appointed IAM Research Director for Canada

Monday, June 6, 2016 Toronto, ON – Aurélie Sarrabezolles has been appointed IAM Research Director for Canada. She was referred to the IAM Canadian office by IAM Grand Lodge Representative-Organizer Scott Jackson and IAM District Lodge 78 Directing Business Representative Derek Ferguson after her work in the organizing victory of the Thorncliffe Retirement Home in Orleans, outside of Ottawa. “Aurélie previously worked for the federal New Democratic Party where she