June 13, 2016

Machinists Grow at Pearson Again!

Monday June 13, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – Construction Access Security Guards at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport are the newest members of IAM Local Lodge 2413. “These people provide security at all vehicle access points to construction sites at Pearson International Airport,” explained IAM Transportation District Lodge 140 Organizer Sam Jabbar. “We had suggested quietly to Garda Security to grant us voluntary recognition and add these

Machinists ratify new deal with Swissport

Monday June 13, 2016 Ottawa, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2413 have ratified a new collective agreement with Swissport (formerly Servisair) by a margin of 83 per cent. “We were able to preserve the main part or middle part of the wage scale while increasing the starting rate for ramp agents by close to 9 per cent and the top rate of the scale by 3 per cent