October 6, 2016

Face-to-face site visits well received by IAM members

Vancouver, BC – The latest face-to-face site visit with IAM members in District 250 by Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall was an outstanding success. “This is something I strongly believe in,” said Pickthall. “I did this when I was the DBR for District 250 and I will continue to do so on a national basis as Canadian General Vice President.” The week-long visit to the lower mainland of BC followed a

“Working women can’t wait 2 more years for pay equity!”

Thursday October 6, 2016   For Immediate Release   Ottawa, ON – “Working women can’t wait two more years for pay equity legislation,” said a disgusted Heather Kelley, IAM Grand Lodge Representative and Women’s Rights advocate. Kelley was speaking about a News Release issued by the Federal Government late yesterday afternoon: “Despite the Federal Government recognizing that pay equity is a human right, their release shows that this human right can