October 12, 2016

Machinists Ratify New Deal with Cullen Diesel

Wednesday October 12, 2016   For Immediate Release   Surrey, BC – Members of IAM Local Lodge 692 have ratified a new three-year collective agreement with Cullen Diesel Power LTD. The new agreement provides wage increases of 4.67 per cent in the first year, 2 per cent in second year and 3 per cent in the third year bringing the hourly rate $41.12. Other agreement highlights include : Pension contributions will

District Lodge 250’s first ever Guide Dogs Tournament successful

Vancouver, BC – The first-ever Guide Dog Golf Tournament held by Northwest District Lodge 250 was an outstanding success raising more than $36,000. “We had over 75 golfers and more non-golfers for the dinner,” said DL250 Business Representative Al Cyr. “I was really getting worried as we were getting closer to the date as to what kind of participation we were going to have, but all of those who attended