October 13, 2016

Face to face in Montreal — the members meet their GVP

Montreal, QC – IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall is a busy man these days — crossing the country to meet with members, hearing their concerns, and getting a better feel for the pulse of the union. This week it began in Montreal, with site visits to Air Canada, AJ Walters and Lockheed Martin. “It’s important to visit with as many groups as possible,” said Pickthall. “I can’t emphasize

Machinists Ratify Five-Year Deal with TBH Services

Thursday October 13, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2323 have ratified a new five-year collective agreement with TBH Services at Toronto Pearson Airport. “At the bargaining table we advocated for better wages and a pension plan, and we were successful,” explained IAM District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Tal Rayat. “These workers have never had a pension plan and now they will