Keep these Jobs in Canada – Stop Bill C-10

Thursday April 14, 2016   For Immediate Release   Ottawa, ON – “We are asking every MP to oppose Bill C – 10 and keep these jobs in Canada,” said IAM Transportation District 140 President and Directing General Chairperson Fred Hospes. Hospes was on Parliament Hill this morning to denounce Bill C-10, which amends the Air Canada Public Participation Act. The amendments allow Air Canada to control the type and

Liberals Show their true colours – Tory Blue!

Thursday March 24, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – “Today the Federal Liberals have shown that they are no different than the Conservatives when it comes to preserving Canadian Jobs,” stated a dejected IAM Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie. Ritchie was reacting to amendments to the Air Canada Public Participation Act, Bill C 10, filed today by Federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau. The amendments allow Air

Kazakhstan : les dettes d’ArcelorMittal conduisent à des salaires impayés

22.03.2016 Environ 2.000 travailleurs en sous-traitance chez ArcelorMittal Temirtau au Kazakhstan n’ont pas perçu leur salaire en raison des énormes dettes de l’entreprise vis-à-vis de ses sous-traitants.   ArcelorMittal Temirtau, importante compagnie minière et métallurgique au Kazakhstan, sous-paie ses vingt-quatre sous-traitants depuis trois ans, ce qui a conduit ceux-ci à retarder le versement des salaires à leur personnel. Le salaire moyen d’un travailleur en sous-traitance chez ArcelorMittal Temirtau est d’environ

Kazakhstan: ArcelorMittal debts lead to unpaid wages

22.03.2016 Around 2000 subcontract workers at ArcelorMittal Temirtau in Kazakhstan have not been getting their wages because of the company’s extensive debts to its contractors.   ArcelorMittal Temirtau, the major mining and metallurgical company in Kazakhstan, has been underpaying its 24 contractors for three years, which has resulted in contractors delaying wages to their workers. The average wage of the ArcelorMittal Temirtau contractor worker is around 35-40 thousand tenge (US$100-115)

La liquidation de la raffinerie de pétrole marocaine est “une catastrophe”

23.03.2016   Les affiliés d’IndustriALL au Maroc sont sous le choc alors qu’un tribunal du pays a ordonné la liquidation de la raffinerie de pétrole SAMIR, mettant ainsi en danger les emplois de plus de 1.000 travailleurs et travailleuses ainsi que les moyens d’existence d’environ 5.000 personnes qui dépendent de ce qui est la seule raffinerie du pays.   Tragique ironie du sort, profondément ébranlé à l’annonce du verdict ce

IAM Canada Statement on Attacks in Brussels

March 23, 2016 For Immediate Release TORONTO, ON  – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in Canada are deeply saddened and condemn the attacks in Brussels on 22 March, 2016. Dave Ritchie, Canadian General Vice-President of the IAM, on behalf of the Canadian membership, said, “on behalf of the entire IAM family, we mourn the loss of those who were killed or injured and send our thoughts and

Machinists Ratify with AJW Technique

Tuesday March 22, 2016   For Immediate Release   Montréal, QC – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2309 have ratified a two-year wage re-opener agreement and secured the first year of the next contract with AJW Technique. “The wage re-opener involves the fourth and fifth years of the current five-year agreement while securing a wage increase in the first year of the next collective agreement,” explained IAM Transportation District 140

Machinists Ratify with Lockheed Martin Canada

Monday March 21, 2016   For Immediate Release   Montréal, QC – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2309 have ratified a two-year wage re-opener agreement and secured the first year of the next contract with Lockheed Martin Canada. “The wage re-opener involves the fourth and fifth years of the current five-year agreement while securing a wage increase in the first year of the next collective agreement,” explained IAM Transportation District

Georgia: Union victory after month-long glass strike

TUMMCIWG activists at Ksani glass container factory in Georgia 14.03.2016 A month-long strike of 170 workers that paralyzed operations at the Ksani glass container factory in Georgia ended on 5 March after tough 12-hour negotiations between the union and management.     The employer agreed to increase salaries by 7.5 per cent as of 1 January 2016, to launch collective bargaining negotiations in April 2016 with a goal to make