Georgian glass factory workers on strike

05.02.2016     Workers at the Ksani glass container factory went on strike on 5 February, after management continued to neglect union demands to sign a collective agreement and increase wages.   Since September 2015, IndustriALL affiliate Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia (TUMMCIWG) has tried to convince management at the Ksani factory to start negotiations over a collective agreement and salary increase. But the

Letter from R. Thomas Buffenbarger

January 1, 2016 Upon the occasion of my retirement January 1, 2016, I wish to extend to each and every member my profound "Thank You" for the support, encouragement and friendship extended to me during the 18 1/2 years I have been honored and humbled to serve as International President of our great union, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Together we have experienced much, including great organizing

Adoption of NDP Pay Equity Motion: A Step In The Right Direction To Reduce Inequalities

Friday February 5, 2016 For Immediate Release   OTTAWA — The NDP’s pay equity motion that was adopted today will help lay the groundwork for tackling poverty across Canada and ending discrimination against women when it comes to equal pay for work of equal value, say New Democrats. “For decades, New Democrats pushed hard for pay equity. With the adoption of our NDP motion today, the real work begins now

Machinists ratify with Maitland Lewis

Thursday February 4, 2016 For Immediate Release   Sault Ste. Marie, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 2332 have ratified a new collective agreement with Maitland Lewis Ford Incorporated. The 30 month agreement provides wage increases of 3 per cent in the first year retroactive to December 2015 and 2.5 per cent in the second and third year respectively. Other agreement highlights include : Several language changes to the grievance

Machinists Ratify New Deal with Asten Johnson

Thursday February 4, 2016 For Immediate Release Kanata, On – Members of IAM Local Lodge 412 have ratified at a new 5-year collective agreement with Asten Johnson Incorporated. Although the ratification obtain an 88 per cent acceptance, the deal was struck just hours before a strike deadline. “This was a very difficult round of bargaining and the negotiation committee deserves tremendous credit for getting this deal,” said IAM Grand Lodge

It’s official: Pickthall appointed successor to Ritchie

IAM International President Robert Martinez (centre) shakes hands with newly appointed Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall. Looking on is outgoing GVP Dave Ritchie, who retires at the end of April this year. The official announcement took place at the general meeting of IAM District Lodge 250 in Vancouver. IAM International President Robert Martinez told delegates to the DL 250 general meeting that Dave Ritchie is what trade unionism is about. Ritchie

2015 IAM Newsletter & Website Contest

This is the official announcement of the 2015 IAM Newsletter & Website Contest. It is open to all local and district lodges in good standing, having publications that are regularly distributed or mailed to members and/or maintain regularly-updated JAM websites. This contest will consider newsletters published between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015 and websites operating online during the judging period. Please click here to down the PDF

Machinists Organize UFCW Reps and office staff

Monday January 25, 2016 For Immediate Release Toronto, On – The International Association of Machinists – IAM has organized two groups of employees who work for the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. “We have organized 44 UFCW National Representatives and Organizers across the country in one group and six office staff from their Canadian National office in Mississauga in the second group,” explained IAM Special Representative and Organizer Scott

Machinists Ratify Agreement with Air Canada

Friday January 22, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace (IAM) have ratified a new collective agreement with Air Canada. “This deal provides our members labour stability and job security for the next decade. In today’s economy that’s a good thing,” said Fred Hospes, President and Directing General Chairperson of IAM Transportation District 140. “This provides job protection for