2018 1AM Newsletter & Website Contest

2018 1AM Newsletter & Website Contest
January 18, 2019
Subj: 2018 1AM Newsletter & Website Contest

To All District Lodge Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers, Local Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries, TCU Carmen Division Officers, National Representatives, Assistant National Representatives, and Local Lodge Officers

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

This is the official announcement of the 2018 1AM Newsletter & Website Contest. It is open to all local and district lodges in good standing, having publications that are regularly distributed or mailed to members and/or maintain regularly-updated 1AM websites. This contest will consider newsletters published between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018, and websites operating online during the judging period.

Enclosed are the Official Entry Forms and Contest Rules. The deadline to submit entries is

Friday, April 1, 2019. Please read the Contest Rules carefully.

Awards for newsletters will include:

•   General Excellence      •  Best Layout & Design      • Best Feature

Awards for online media will include:

  • General Excellence Website   Best Layout & Design Website      • Best Use of Social Media

New! Awards for video will include:

  •  Best Live Video
  • Best Smartphone Video Best Organizing Video – Individual or Team Award

An independent panel of judges will review submitted newsletters, websites, and videos and will then select the winners. Contact the Communications Department at 301-967-4520 if you have any questions.

Best wishes and good luck!

In solidarity,

Robert Martinez, Jr.
International President