Calgary, AB – Forty maintenance employees at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited, are the newest members of the IAMAW.
“The company fought this certification but in the end, the Alberta Labour Board sided with the Machinists,” explained a satisfied Rick Arsenault, IAMAW District 14 Directing Business Representative. Unlike most organizing campaigns, this one was not about money. “We have part-time workers who have worked 40 hour weeks for 15 years and have received minimal benefits,” said Arsenault. “Another sore point with these workers is the poor scheduling, they never get two consecutive days off and that will be an important demand in their first contract.”
The initial organizing approach was conducted by IAMAW District 14 Business Representative Kevin Clark. “Kevin was instrumental in the success of this campaign and we look upon this as a stepping stone for additional members employed by the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede.” Jim Pruner from Finning Branch 64 Calgary also assisted us in this drive. Certification was applied for on January 25, 2010 and granted April 10th following an Alberta Labour Board hearing.
IAMAW, among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, represents more than 700,000 active and retired members, and administers more than 5,000 contracts in transportation, woodworking, aerospace, manufacturing and defense related industries.
Members of the bargaining committee for Machinists employed by the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede strike a pose before going into their first round of bargaining with the employer. On the extreme left is Jim Pruner from Finning Branch 64 in Calgary and on the extreme right is Kevin Clark, Business Representative – IAMAW LOCAL LODGE 99; both gentlemen were instrumental is brining the 40 maintenance workers into the Machinist family.