Almost 500 members and another successful BBQ for IAM Local 2323 members!

Almost 500 members and another successful BBQ for IAM Local 2323 members!

IAM Local Lodge 2323 pulled off yet another successful annual BBQ for their members and retirees. The event was held in the parking lot of IAM Local 2323 offices, which accommodated everyone who gathered there throughout the day. Almost 500 people attended over the course of the day.

There were many events for the members and their families which appealed to all ages. From burgers and hot dogs, accompanied by many sides, to face-painting, ice cream, and the great company afforded by members meeting in a relaxed and fun environment. There was even a raffle with 2 large-screen televisions as grand prizes. The local also offered many Local 2323-branded items for sale.

The DJ who entertained the crowd all day with a great selection of music is also a member of IAM Local 2323. They stayed local!

Vick Seebalak, President of LL2323
“One of the reasons we have this BBQ is to give back to our members. We also invited our members to bring their families, which they did. It made it a very enjoyable family event. As a local Lodge President, I feel proud watching our members laugh with each other and having a good time. We are a family. We are a solid IAM family.” Seebalak also thanked other members of the Executive and all the volunteers for helping make this one of the most successful ever.

Chris Glover, MPP for the Toronto-area riding of Spadina-Fort York, also attended the BBQ on invitation from the local. He stressed the importance of artificial intelligence and what it promised, as well as the need to be watchful about workers being surveilled in the workplace.

Shan Wahab, a 14-year LL2323 member, took a few minutes to share his thoughts on the BBQ, saying, “it’s a great time to meet with co-workers and retirees so we don’t lose touch with them.”

In his comments to the members gathered for the event, Dave Flowers, President and Directing General Chairperson of IAM District 140, explained the difference between minimum wage and a living wage, especially as it affects airport workers. The IAM has been very active on the issue particularly at the Toronto and Vancouver airports, succeeding on getting living wage provisions into newer contracts. “Employers are making money hand-over-fist, but we’re not seeing that trickle down to the workers,” he said. He urged members to stick together because “when we raise the floor, we raise the ceiling.”

IAM Canada’s Chief-of-Staff, Ralph Martin, who also attended the BBQ, said, “It was wonderful to see so many members and retirees out socializing. These events really allow members and retirees to reconnect in an environment that’s free from the pressures of work. Great event hosted by Local Lodge 2323, thank you to the committee that put this together and many thanks to all that took the time to participate.”

Congratulations to IAM Local 2323 on yet another successful gathering for their membership and their retirees.

For all the photos from the BBQ, please visit our Flickr album