
Get Real! It's the Economy

Canadians have been hit hard by the economic crisis. We are losing thousands of jobs and our pensions are taking a beating. Government must find solutions that help everybody, not just the banks and corporations that got us into this mess. Working people and their unions are going to be part of the solution as Canadians rebuild their lives and communities. The Canadian Labour Congress has a plan to stimulate

Ontario Patient Transfer Workers Join Machinists!

Monday January 5, 2009 For Immediate Release Hamilton, ON – Ontario Patient Transfer workers in Hamilton-Wentworth Region are the newest members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The one hundred new members of IAMAW District Lodge 78 provide non-emergency ambulatory patient transfers from Hamilton to Toronto in the east and as far west as Niagara Falls. “Most of the credit for this organizing victory goes to Apprentice

Les mécaniciens, les pauses-café et notre avenir - par Carlos DaCosta

par Carlos DaCosta Les pauses-café permettent de prendre quelques minutes pour se détendre et entamer une conversation avec ses collègues de travail au sujet de choses qui nous préoccupent. Des changements importants dans l’industrie de l’aviation du Canada et des événements mondiaux catastrophiques qui ont eu lieu durant la dernière décennie ont refroidi l’ambiance dans le milieu de travail. Cet article à apparu dans AviNation, printemps 2008 (Téléchargez, PDF) Plusieurs

Mechanics, Coffee Breaks and our Future - by Carlos DaCosta

by Carlos DaCosta Coffee breaks offer a few minutes to relax and converse with fellow workers about things on our minds. Enormous changes in the aviation industry in Canada and catastrophic global events over the last decade have altered the mood of the workplace. This article appeared in AviNation, Fall 2008 (download PDF) Many of us entered aviation and performed a job related to aircraft because we were thrilled with

Laura White Ends Historic Term!

Toronto, ON – The first female president in the 116 year history of IAMAW Local Lodge 235 is stepping down. Laura White has come full circle as a member of the IAMAW, serving in a variety of roles on numerous committees before taking on the responsibilities of president three years ago. “She has always risen to the task of representing and empowering women in our union,” said IAMAW District 78

Ralliements à travers le Canada appuyant la Coailition

DECEMBER 2008 St-Jean, T-N Jeudi, le 4 décembre, 1900 h St. Theresa’s Hall Mundy Pond Road Mary Shortall 1-709-685-8105 Halifax, N-É Jeudi, le 4 décembre, 17h 30 – 18h 30 Maritime Hall – Halifax Forum Windsor & Almon Street (enter off Almon Street) Tony Tracy 1-902-223-9489 Charlottetown, ÎPE Jeudi, le 4 décembre, 1900h Murphy’s Community Centre Richmond Street Jean-Claude Basque 1-506-862-9182 Moncton, N-B Jeudi, le 4 décembre, 1900h Moncton City

Workers Training Workers

Is there a better way? The concept for training union members is just that “workers training workers. As a shop steward who trained you, who taught you the collective agreement, who showed you how to fill out a grievance form or how to fulfill your role as a union officer. The answer of course is another union member. As adults and for the most part out of school, where do

Machinists Expand with Auto Dealers in the Soo!

Thursday November 27, 2008 For Immediate Release Sault Ste. Marie, ON – Office staff and shuttle car drivers employed by Maitland Motors Limited are the newest members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2332. “I credit the efforts of Grand Lodge Representative Pat Murphy and the members of the Local Lodge Executive with the addition of these nine people to our membership,” explained IAMAW District 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. “When you consider

Ottawa Swissport Workers Join The Machinists!

Thursday November 20, 2008 For Immediate Release Ottawa, ON – Following the lead of their co-workers in Hamilton, Swissport employees at Ottawa McDonald Cartier International Airport have joined the IAMAW. The 28 newest members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2413 include passenger agents, lead passenger agents, ramp agents and lead ramp agents who provide aircraft handling services for United Airlines and United Express. “We have been working with these people for

Votre épargne-retraite est-elle vraiment protégée?

Alors que nous sommes témoins d’une débandade financière mondiale et que les cours boursiers fluctuent sans retenue de jour en jour, une question que nous avons tous en tête est la suivante : « Quelles en seront les répercussions sur les caisses de retraite et autres sources d’épargne-retraite? » Si je souscris un régime de retraite, ce dernier sera-t-il affecté par la chute des marchés boursiers? Qu’arrive-t-il à mes fonds