
Support Workers at Porter Airlines

Remember those Porter Airlines workers who have been on strike since 10 January?  How the employer was offering tiny or no wage increases and no improvements to the workers’ (and by extension all our) safety?   To that anti-union behaviour you can add the fact that Porter is listed as a user of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (see  HERE). As is now well-known, thanks to a few brave RBC

Let's rethink child care!

Children and families in Canada have a right to access quality, affordable child care services. Yet, only 20% of young children today have access to a regulated space and, in many regions, child care fees are the second highest expense for young families. Early childhood educators (ECE¹s) also have a right to be socially valued and properly paid for their work, yet ECE professionals earn about half as much, on

The Stephen Lewis Foundation

About the Foundation The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) works with community-based organizations working to turn the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Since 2003 we have funded over 700 initiatives, partnering with over 300 community-based organizations in 15 countries. We know from experience that the fastest and most effective way to turn the tide of AIDS is to work with small, committed, community-based organizations. The staff and volunteers of these organizations

Common Causes: join the new people’s network

On Monday, January 28, when Parliament resumes, the Harper agenda will face an unprecedented assembly of social movements uniting in Common Causes. Common Causes is an initiative that brings together social justice, environmental, labour and other activist groups to fight back against this government’s agenda. Watch for the launch of the Common Causes website on the 28 as well! So far, we have events scheduled for Ottawa, Nanaimo, Sechelt, Vancouver,

Help IndustriALL stop union-busting at Bashneft in Russia

23.01.2013 IndustriALL launches an international solidarity campaign in support of Russian Chemical Workers Union (RCWU) under attack at Bashneft in Russia. Two union locals at Bashneft, an oil company in Russia, are under attack from the management. The administration strives to undermine Russian Chemical Workers Union (RCWU), IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, and replace it with a company-controlled Labour Council. The company is refusing to renegotiate collective agreements with RCWU locals,

Good Jobs. Better Lives.

Stephen Harper's Conservatives are determined to ram through Bill C-377, a private members' bill that will force every union, every union local, every local labour council, every federation of labour and the Canadian Labour Congress to file intrusive financial reports that will be posted on a public website for every employer to see. We need your help now to stop this bill in its tracks!   The Canadian Bar Association

Care About Climate Justice? Come to PowerShift!

On the weekend of October 26-29th over 1500 youth from all walks of life, coming from communities all across Canada will come together for a historic gathering to build the movement for a just and sustainable future. Including leading voices from the global movement to stop climate change, this gathering will empower our generation to chart a new pathway forward towards the world that we want.   The event will

VRSPs: Quebec Leads the (Wrong) Way

  Quebec is the first jurisdiction to announce the terms of a Pooled Retirement Savings Plan (PRPP), the voluntary savings scheme which the federal government is touting as the solution to our growing retirement income crisis. In its 2012 Budget, released March 20, the Quebec government announced the rules for Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans (VRSP), to be in place as of January 1, 2013.  All Quebec employers, with at least