Toronto, ON – Although the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention in San Diego doesn’t happen until September 2020, preparations began immediately after the 39th convention wrapped up in Chicago in 2016. Conventions like ours cost a considerable amount of money and require a tremendous amount of work from each and every IAM member on both sides of the border. To ensure that 2020 is a success, fund raising by local lodges across North America are well under way.
Each territory has been asked to contribute. Local Lodges in the Canadian Territory have been asked to donate $10 per member per year over a four year period. At the recent Transportation District Lodge 140 convention in Toronto, IAM Local Lodge 764 president Chris Hiscocks presented IAM Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall with a check for $13,730.00.
(From left to right) IAM Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall accepts the 2020 convention contribution from IAM Local Lodge 764 president Chris Hiscocks.
Delegates to the DL140 convention also raised $1,160 for the IAM disaster relief fund.