IAM Kicks Off Historical 41st Grand Lodge Convention in New York City

IAM Kicks Off Historical 41st Grand Lodge Convention in New York City

The IAM 41st Grand Lodge Convention has officially begun in the bustling and vibrant city of New York. With the inspiring theme “Honouring Our Past, Building Our Future,” this historic gathering is playing host to nearly 1,200 delegates. It signifies a pivotal moment for the IAM, as it seeks to not only commemorate its illustrious past but also to pave the way for an innovative and progressive future.

The IAM Eastern Territory, in collaboration with the IAM Host Committee, has dedicated numerous months to preparing for this convention. Their efforts have been focused on creating an event that truly represents the diverse and potent nature of our union across various industries and addresses the needs and priorities of members from across North America.

Through debating and passing essential resolutions and constitutional amendments, this Convention serves as a powerful representation of our members’ unity and solidarity, encapsulating the shared values that have consistently underpinned the IAM.

Dora Cervantes, General Secretary-Treasurer

At the convention, delegates will set the direction and lay the groundwork for our union over the next four years. However, it goes beyond that. This crucial event presents an opportunity to democratically enact changes within the union or introduce new policies and guidelines, with members voting on these changes. It also brings together members from all sectors of our union to listen to fresh ideas and engage in discussions. This provides valuable insights into areas that can be enhanced or changed within the union and serves as an excellent platform for generating new ideas for Local or District initiatives.

“This convention provides a platform for democratic change, fostering new ideas and discussions that will strengthen our union for generations to come,” said IAM Eastern Territory General President David Sullivan during his opening remarks. “As delegates, you can shape the IAM’s future by setting the agenda, policies, and foundation for the next four years.”

The convention’s kick-off ceremony was nothing short of spectacular. It featured performances by renowned musician and activist Tom Morello and the highly acclaimed comedian Desi Lydic. These performances set the tone for an event characterized by camaraderie, inspiration, and forward momentum.

The IAM takes immense pride in its history, a rich tapestry of achievements born out of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to justice for workers. The theme of the Convention is a profound acknowledgment of our roots and a clear-eyed vision for what we strive to achieve. It is a call to action for all members to contribute to the collective effort of building a future where our union is stronger, more inclusive, and more influential than ever before.

David Chartrand, IAM Canadian General Vice-President said, “With more than half the delegates attending their very first IAM Convention, the attendees truly embody the spirit of the convention theme which addresses our past and our future. We’re glad to have 174 delegates from Canada, many of them being here for the first time.”

David Chartrand, IAM Canadian General Vice-President

As we proceed with the convention, we are reminded of the responsibility that lies on our shoulders – to uphold the legacy of those who came before us and to forge a path that future generations of IAM members will be proud to walk on. Together, we are committed to advancing the principles of justice, dignity, and respect for all workers. Together, we will continue to make history.

“There are so many people involved / who have put this convention together. While the planning window has been short, the dedication of the 2024 Host Committee has been nothing short/ of remarkable,” said Sullivan. “We sincerely thank them for their tireless efforts preparing for this historic week. We wouldn’t be here today without the massive work behind the scenes to make this all possible.”

Retired General Vice-Presidents Dave Ritchie and Stan Pickthall, as well as retired Grand Lodge Auditor Léo Giuliani also attended the Convention.

Photos from Day One General Session: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBFHE7

Source: www.goiam.org and files from IAM Canada

The Canadian Delegation