The intense sense of pride that comes over us when we visit worksites where our members make the greatest products and give the best service in North America! We met with members of all Manitoba local lodges last week and get to have some meaningful discussions with them.
I am always astounded by the hard work of our leadership despite the challenging circumstances they face – we can add COVID-19 to those challenges for the last two-and-a-half years. Meeting with them gave me a fuller appreciation of the work they do and the challenges they face.
The best part of our work is when we meet with members who have worked for 47 or 48 years in a workplace and take such pride in what they do! We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to engage in conversations with them. This is the best part of our work.
Nothing replaces face-to-face meetings with members and the leadership. Our Manitoba trip will guide me further as I continue visiting many more locals and districts across the country.
Thank you to all those who took the time to meet with us and discuss some very important issues. You should know that YOU are the engine that keeps this union running – and together we will overcome any obstacle in our path. Thank you – I appreciate every one of you!