May 11, 2016

Machinists make their views known in Ottawa

Ottawa, ON – There is a growing awareness of the IAM in Ottawa political circles. In Mid –April, 70 Machinist members took part in a mass political lobby of MP’s conducted by the Canadian Labour Congress. Our members lobbied all three parties on the need to raise the Canada Pension Plan contributions, stop the Trans Pacific Partnership and stop the import of asbestos into Canada. We were back in Ottawa

Sage Parts Contract Pushes $15/hour Entry Rate at Pearson

Tuesday May 10, 2016 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The fight for a $15/hour minimum wage at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport has gained momentum with the ratification of a new three-year collective agreement for the newest members of IAM District Lodge 140 employed at Sage Parts Canada. “Many of these workers were making just over $13/hour and traditional raises in the shop prior to ratification were 2.5 per cent