Top 10 things Canadian unions want to see in the federal budget

Monday, March 14, 2016   Early next week, the federal Liberal government will table their first budget. This is an historic opportunity for our government to respond to the jobs crisis, while also beginning to repair services and programs that Canadians rely on.   Working Canadians and their families are facing a precarious economic picture, but Canada is well-positioned to turn things around. Last October, the Liberals were elected precisely

IAMAW women: The work we do, the value we bring, the rewards we deserve

By Heather Kelley Grand Lodge Representative   We are labourers, assembly fitters, mechanics and machinists; we are hotel attendants and personal support workers; we are drivers and more. We have come a long way in the everyday jobs that people do to earn a living. We are stewards, negotiators, servicing representatives, Presidents and General Vice Presidents in our Unions. We volunteer our time and our service to the IAMAW to

Aircraft Maintenance and Overhaul Jobs The QFL Initiates Proceedings in the Superior Court

Montréal, March 11, 2016 – This morning, the Quebec Federation of Labour (QFL) filed in the Superior Court of Quebec a motion for a permanent injunction against Air Canada regarding the maintenance and overhaul of the carrier’s aircraft. In its motion, the QFL applies to the Superior Court to issue an order forcing Air Canada to meet its obligations pursuant to the Air Canada Public Participation Act, i.e., to have

Machinists Ratify with Autoliv

Wednesday March 9, 2016   For Immediate Release   Markham, ON – The members of IAM Local Lodge 2913 have ratified a new collective agreement with Autoliv Electronics Canada Inc. The three-year agreement provides tier one employees with a $1,650 lump sum payment in the first year and wage increases of 2 per cent in the second and third year respectively. Tier one employees also receive a one dollar increase

David Suzuki joins with CLC to support a One Million Climate Jobs plan

Wednesday, March 2, 2016     VANCOUVER – On the eve of the March 3 First Ministers' meeting in Vancouver, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is proposing a plan that will help Canada reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by one third by creating over one million sustainable climate jobs, allowing workers to transition away from fossil fuels.   The CLC – as part of the Green Economy Network (GEN) –

Machinists Ratify Revco Agreement

Friday February 19, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 235 have ratified a new three-year agreement with Revco Worldwide Limited. The agreement provides wage increases of a $400.00 lump sum payment in the first year, 1.5 per cent in the second year and 2 per cent in the third year. Other agreement highlights include : Significant improvements in the employer contributions to the

A Bittersweet Day for Canadian Aerospace

Montréal, QC – February 17, 2016 will go down as one of the most bittersweet days for IAM members involved in Canadian aerospace. The day began with announcements that were both good and bad. Air Canada announced it will purchase 45 Bombardier C Series 300 airliners with options for 30 more. The national air carrier will take delivery of its first 135-seat narrow body C Series 300 in 2019. “This

Québec Government Drops Air Canada Public Participation Act Litigation!

Wednesday February 17, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – “We are astounded by the Québec government decision regarding the former-Aveos workers in their plight to get their jobs back,” said a dejected IAM Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie. Ritchie was reacting to an announcement today that the Government of Quebec has agreed to discontinue its litigation related to the Air Canada Public Participation Act. “As a

Air Canada Orders 45 C Series Jets!

Wednesday February 17, 2016   For Immediate Release   Toronto, ON – “This is an example of one Canadian company stepping up to the plate to buy a great product that’s a market leader and I couldn’t be happier,” said an ecstatic IAM Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie. Ritchie was reacting to the announcement by Air Canada that it has signed a letter of intent to purchase 45 Bombardier

Machinists Ratify Agreement with Mikor Metal Products

Friday February 12, 2016   For Immediate Release Mississauga, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 1922 have ratified a new three-year collective agreement with Mikor Metal Products. “While the wage increases reflect the current economy, we made significant improvements to the employer contributions to the IAM pension plan,” explained IAM District Lodge 78 Business Representative Kim Valliere. “This was not an easy round of negotiations and negotiating Committee member