Grand Lodge Convention: Everyone wants a tie

Throughout the week, the IAM grand convention delegates have created a new revenue source – selling the ties of the members of the IAM Executive Council. It began with International President Bob Martinez, and continued with Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall, whose tie fetched $950 for the Guide Dogs of America.

IAM Grand Lodge Convention 2016

The IAM Grand Lodge Convention attracted more than 1400 delegates from across North America including 114 from Canada. This convention also marks the first time that more than 80 per cent of the delegates were attending their first convention.

CLC President Yussuff addresses Grand Lodge Convention

Canadian Labour Congress President Hassan Yussuff addressed more than 1400 delegates attending the 39th Grand Lodge Convention this week in Chicago. He told delegates that America is faced with its most important presidential election in recent history and that Americans and the IAM membership must do everything to prevent Republican nominee Donald Trump from taking office. He said the IAM membership in Canada was instrumental in defeating the right wing

Basic Newsletter Development Class

July 29, 2016   Subj: Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center     To All District Lodge Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers, Local Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries, TCU Carmen Division Officers, National Representatives, Assistant National Representatives and Local Lodge Officers   Dear Brothers and Sisters:   This is the Official Call for the 2016 Basic Newsletter Development course at the William

Machinists Expand in Auto Sector Again

Wednesday August 31, 2016   For Immediate Release   Vaughan, ON – This Labour Day will take on new meaning for the 55 service department employees of Sisley Honda in Vaughan because they have joined a union. Earlier today they voted in favour of joining the IAM. “We asked them to stick together and make a decision together and they sure did,” said a satisfied Scott Jackson, IAM Grand Lodge

Machinists Ratify with Domclean Ltd.

Thursday August 25, 2016 For Immediate Release Stratford, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 103 have ratified a new collective agreement with Domclean Ltd. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 2 per cent in the first year, and 2.4 per cent in the second and third year respectively. Other agreement highlights include : Improved bereavement leave Improved overtime language Increased safety boot allowance The 16 members perform industrial cleaning

Machinists Organize Toys R Us The First in North America

    Thursday August 25, 2016   For Immediate Release   LaSalle, QC – The IAM has organized the first Toys R Us outlet in North America. The 35 workers are now the newest members of IAM Local Lodge 1148. “The combination of poor working conditions, salaries just above minimum wage and annual performance reviews that created a lot of discontent among the majority of the workers, led to this

Rise Up! CLC Human Rights Conference

riseup2016.ca The Rise Up! CLC Human Rights Conference brings our movement's diverse activists and allies together in a unique space for forward-thinking strategies and skills. Rise Up! will explore ways to renew the labour movement, celebrate our diversity, and better understand the changing nature of work.   Together we will empower and engage workers to build a stronger movement based on equity and inclusion, and to be inspired by innovation

LL 2323 barbecue keeps on growing

Mississauga, ON – Feed them and they will come. It’s an old adage but it’s true and the turnout for the IAM Local Lodge 2323 barbecue continues to grow. “We want the membership to participate in their local lodge and this barbecue is a great way to do it,” said IAM Local Lodge Vice President Dan Jansen at the Aug. 11 event. “We had some members come by on their