Machinists Ratify with Belcourt Manor

Wednesday August 3, 2016   For Immediate Release   Orleans, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 1295 have ratified a new four-year collective agreement with Belcourt Manor Retirement Home.   “This is only the second agreement for these workers and they are now really seeing the benefit of being IAM members and being able to negotiate their future,” explained IAM District 78 Business Representative Jim Snider. “Over the life

CETA: The Erosion of Workers’ Rights

        By Aurélie Sarrabezolles IAM Research Director for Canada Introduction Free trade agreements are supposed to stimulate the economy promoting jobs and allowing the different sectors of the economy to flourish. The Canada and European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)[i] is described by Global Affairs as "a high quality agreement that reinforces Canada’s fundamental relationship with the European Union. CETA covers all aspects of

Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016

July 29, 2016 Subj:    Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center To All District Lodge Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers, Local Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries, TCU Carmen Division Officers, National Representatives, Assistant National Representatives and Local Lodge Officers   Dear Brothers and Sisters: This is the Official Call for the 2016 Basic Newsletter Development course at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology

Canada Pension Plan expansion: What it means to you

By Aurélie Sarrabezolles IAM Research Director for Canada   On June 20, 2016, the Federal Government and the finance ministers of eight provinces agreed to expand the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), starting on January 1, 2019, and to be fully implemented by 2025. The provinces of Quebec and Manitoba did not sign the agreement.  This article in an overview of the reform. Another article with practical examples will follow.  

Political Action - Right Reason, Right People = Respect and Recognition!

Machinists have become a household name amongst Canada’s Parliamentarians in Ottawa. We conducted intense lobbying in three sessions: The first occurred in April when the Machinists brought the largest delegation to a Canadian Labour Congress Lobby on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Canada Pension Plan and the health threats posed by asbestos.   The results were significant because the government has recently announced improvements to the Canada Pension Plan, it

Union Drives slowed by Bill Delay

Ottawa, ON – Many Canadian unions have placed their membership drives on hold because a Liberal labour-bill designed to overturn a Conservative law on certification has yet to be passed. Bill C-525, An Act to Amend the Canada Labour Code enacted last year, abolished the card check system in favour of secret balloting to certify new collective bargaining units in federally-regulated workplaces. Although the Liberal cabinet vowed to repeal Bill

Machinists Expand in the Steel City

Wednesday July 27, 2016 For Immediate Release Sault Ste. Marie, ON – The International Association of Machinists has added another bargaining unit to its family of auto dealerships in the Steel City. Service Department employees at Superior Nissan as well as employees at Superior Custom and Detailing and Superior Used Cars are the newest members of IAM Local Lodge 2332. “We’re delighted with this organizing win,” said IAM Grand Lodge

Political Action Right Reason, Right People = Respect and Recognition!

Machinists have become a household name amongst Canada’s Parliamentarians in Ottawa. We conducted intense lobbying in three sessions: The first occurred in April when the Machinists brought the largest delegation to a Canadian Labour Congress Lobby on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Canada Pension Plan and the health threats posed by asbestos. The results were significant because the government has recently announced improvements to the Canada Pension Plan, it wasn’t

IAM Canada responds to Air Canada heavy maintenance outsourcing of C-Series jet engines

Thursday, 21 July, 2016 For immediate release TORONTO – Air Canada has committed to sending the heavy maintenance of its C-Series jets, which it will be purchasing from Bombardier, to Columbus, Georgia. Although the company won’t take delivery of the jets until 2019, it is announcing the work won’t be done in Canada. “If engine heavy maintenance is being sent outside Canada, then what will be sent out next year?

Strike Avoided at Rolls Royce Canada

Monday July 4, 2016   For Immediate Release   Lachine, QC – A strike by members of IAM Local Lodge 869 has been avoided at Rolls Royce Canada. “The membership turned down the last company offer by a healthy margin and we were headed for a strike,” explained IAM Grand Lodge Representative Gerald Tremblay. “I think the threat of a work disruption and the bargaining committee’s determination not to give