October 16, 2017

NAFTA’S Chapter 11 – why it has to go!

Toronto, ON – The Investor-state dispute mechanism under the current North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is known as Chapter 11. It enables investors in NAFTA countries to sue the government of any member country. Only foreign companies are authorized to intent lawsuits. This chapter was originally drafted to prevent companies from being expropriated or victims of unfair treatment by countries with unstable governments. Remember that key point, unstable governments,

IAM Aerospace Workers Reply to the Judgement of the U.S. Department of Commerce

For immediate release Montreal, October 16th, 2017 Judgement of the U.S. Department of Commerce: Aerospace workers reply Montreal – Following the imposition of a countervailing duty of 220% and an anti-dumping duty of 79.82% by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Machinists Union (IAMAW) has replied by launching a communications campaign aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing the general public. “We are facing measures that are dangerous for the stability