OFL makes final appeal to Ontario government on card check!

Toronto, ON – The Ontario government has wrapped up its public consultations on Bill 148 which will make major changes to labour standards in the province. Following public hearings in Thunder Bay, North Bay, Windsor, London and Kitchener-Waterloo, no fewer than 35 delegations made presentations to the Steering Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs at Queens Park. The IAM made its presentation in London earlier in the week. The Bill

GVP Pickthall updates LL 2921 Executive on Airport Privatization

Mississauga, ON – IAM Canadian General Vice-President Stan Pickthall met with the Executive Board of IAM Local Lodge 2921 on July 20th to talk about Political Action and the issue of airport privatization that is looming over Canadian airports. “Many of our Locals are rallying against the privatization of airports and Local Lodge 2921 is working hard to get signatures on our petition to stop the Liberal government from moving

Colombia: Trade Unionists Murdered As Peace Process at Risk

An explosion of violence against trade unionists in Colombia, including the murders of six union representatives since mid-May, is putting the peace and reconstruction process in the country at severe risk. Four trade unionists from the education sector – Washington Cedeno Otero, Johanna Alarcon, Juan Artunduaga and Mauicio Velez, along with two from the agriculture sector, Mario Calle Correa and Alberto Acosta Gonzalez, who was murdered while watching his young

Corporate Greed Takes Hold in Brazil

The decision by Brazil’s corruption-riddled parliament to eliminate a swathe of protections in the country’s labour laws will impoverish millions of people and leave workers completely at the mercy of employers who will have unilateral power to set wages, holiday entitlements, working hours and bonuses. The hugely unpopular changes, forced through Brazil’s Senate on 12 July, will also make it harder for workers to join unions, and will reduce health

Machinists on hand as Horgan sworn in as new BC Premier

Victoria, B.C. – After the historic provincial election which took almost two months to resolve, the NDP has officially taken power in British Columbia. John Horgan was sworn in as British Columbia’s 36th Premier along with his cabinet at Government House on Tuesday and the IAM was honoured to be there. “We’re excited, this marks the first day of a new BC government that will work hard for all working

Machinists ratify new deal with Alternative Belting Enterprises

Monday July 17, 2017 For Immediate Release   Langley, B.C. – Members of IAM Local Lodge 692 have ratified a new collective agreement with Alternative Belting Enterprises in British Columbia. The one-year agreement provides wage increases of 9.37 per cent bringing the members wage rate to $41.69 per hour. Other agreement high lights include: An additional $1.38 per hour into their IAM Labour-Management Pension bringing the company contribution to $4.05

Machinists ratify new deal with Badanai Motors

Monday July 17, 2017 For Immediate Release Thunder Bay, ON – Members of IAM Local Lodge 1120 have ratified a new collective agreement with Badanai Motors. The three-year agreement provides average wage increases of 2.5 per cent in the first year, 2.5 per cent in the second year and 3 per cent in the third year. Other agreement high lights include: 5 per cent increase in employer contributions to the

Major Changes in Labour Standards in Ontario: an important Win for Workers!

Following up with the release of The Changing Workplaces Review’s final report, the Liberal Government has recently introduced Bill 148 (Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act), to amend two fundamental Labour laws in Ontario, the Employment Standards Act for all workers, and the Labour Relations Act for unionized workers only. One of the major improvements is the introduction of $15 minimum wage to be phased in on January 1st, 2019. The

WestJet campaign enters phase two!

On June 29th, the IAM announced the second phase of its campaign to organize the Customer Service Representatives and Aircraft Mechanical Engineers at WestJet. Phase one concentrated on Toronto and Calgary and we are expanding our efforts across the entire country. For the uninitiated, joining a union raises a number of questions. Do I have the right to join a union? If I sign a union card will it be

IAM Canadian officers inducted on Canada Day!

Upper Marlboro, MD – Not only was July 1st Canada’s 150th birthday but it was also the day that the IAM Executive Council was inducted, reciting the Oath of Office for their terms in which they were elected. “It was especially significant for me to be sworn into office on Canada’s 150th birthday,” said IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. “Our Canadian officers are part of a great team