Letter to Justin Trudeau: The survival of the aerospace sector compromised; you must act

Montreal June 15, 2020 To the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada I am writing to you today as a representative of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) to express my concern about the future of aerospace in Canada. As elsewhere in the world, our aerospace ecosystem is not immune to the economic impacts of COVID-19. Many workers in this industry have lost their jobs,


June 22, 2020 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST Bluejeans Virtual Discussion Looking forward to “seeing” you there! Dial in: +1.866.599.3622(Canada Toll-Free) +1.438.788.3021(Canada French) Meeting ID:593 313 714 Join us for a discussion about the importance of a “she-covery” to the Canadian economy in the post-pandemic environment. We will also discuss the “Jobs Worth Fighting For” document and determine workplace and political priorities. Whether you are currently working or laid off, we want

IAM Canada Encouraged by CERB Extension

16 June, 2020 For immediate release TORONTO, ON – IAM Canada is encouraged by the federal government announcement that extends the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) for another eight weeks. The move extends the coverage to 24 weeks. “It is the right thing to do as it helps workers adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This affects many IAM members, as well as numerous other Canadians,” said Stan Pickthall, IAM Canadian General Vice-President. “We

Lowering the Temperature at Canadian Airports

On Friday June 12, 2020 the Canadian Government announced it will require temperature screenings for all passengers flying in and out of Canada and for all employees working at Canadian Airports. The rollout of the temperature checks and the relevant airports will be a phased approach and will be as follows: Phases Phase 1: By June 30, 2020, all air operators will be required to conduct temperature screenings of all

Manitoba Unions Lead the Way

This week’s court ruling by Manitoba Queens Bench Justice McKelvey found that the Pallister Conservative Government’s Bill 28 – “The Public Services Sustainability Act” was unconstitutional and a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and a circumvention of workers’ rights to collective bargaining. This controversial legislation was introduced in 2017 and never proclaimed into law. The government acted as if it was law, by mandating a two-year wage

Communications in challenging times – IAM Canada steps up again

14 June, 2020 – IAM Canada conducted five video conference Local Lodge President Meetings from June 1 – 10, 2020. The meetings were regionally attended: the Atlantic, Western, Manitoba and Ontario, the Greater Toronto Area and Quebec regions were all represented. The meetings were conducted via Bluejeans, a videoconferencing platform, with in excess of 20 participants on each call. Organized by the Canadian office in order to outreach our communications, General Vice-President Stan

65 New members at Envoy Air Montreal

10 June, 2020 For immediate release Montreal, QC – The 65 members of Envoy Air, based at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport in Montreal, chose the IAM to negotiate their first collective agreement. One year ago, employees approached the union for information on the IAM. In these uncertain times, the workers were worried, and the absence of a collective agreement made many nervous and fearful of finding themselves without jobs or

IAM Canada Statement on Anti-Black Racism

Race is not an easy conversation in Canada. It never has been. Racism is embedded within all of us. We were brought up with it – many of us not even knowing we carried it around. I hope we can change that. The COVID-19 pandemic has fanned the flames of racism across Canada and the world. We have seen anti-Asian racism rear its ugly head during this crisis – and

IAM reacts to 2500 layoffs at Bombardier Aerospace

June 5th, 2020 – Bombardier Aerospace announced today that it is laying off 2,500 workers at its plants around the world. In Montreal, 717 members of AIMTA Local 712 and currently on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program (CEWS) will be affected. A decision that we find incomprehensible when Bombardier could have avoided this wave of layoffs by using the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) for all of its employees.

Alberta's Bill 1 - SAY NO!

Jason Kenney’s United Conservative Government (UPC) swept into power last year with Alberta’s Union’s firmly in their sights. Of the of bills they have passed since, two in particular clearly indicate the conservative government’s position on organized labour and the value of the public services communities rely on. Bill 2 (An Act to Make Alberta Open for Business), cut public services, laid off front-line workers, and ended a ban on