A birthday to remember during the times of COVID-19

Calgary, AB – On Wednesday, April 22, Kevin Timms, District Lodge 140 General Chairperson, and approximately 20 other IAM Local 1681 members from Calgary Airport came together and did a drive-by Birthday Parade to wish Brother Donald Carmichael’s son Oscar a Happy Birthday. Oscar was showered with presents and $20 bills – all thrown onto the front lawn from a comfortable distance. It was a wonderful experience, and all were

Fighting Machinists team up, get crucial protections for pre-board screeners

Toronto, ON – The airline industry in Canada has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thousands of airport workers have been laid off, airlines have grounded fleets and associate airport business have been shuttered. For those still employed and going to work at the airport, it can be an unnerving experience as the virus has not stopped it spread. “Some airport employers have been better than others when it

Bearskin Airlines members back on payroll!

22 April, 2020 Thunder Bay, ON – Bearskin Airlines in Thunder Bay signed a Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) agreement with the IAM that brings members back on payroll until June 6th. The agreement helps to keep Local Lodge 2413 members working and boosts the take-home pay for workers that had been previously off the job due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Dan Janssen, District Lodge 140 General Chairperson, who

IAMAW, Local Lodge 869 reaches an agreement with Rolls-Royce Canada

Workers who do not return to work will maintain their benefits and take advantage of the CEWS Montreal, April 23rd, 2020- Late in the morning, The IAMAW’s (Local Lodge 869) signed two agreements with Rolls-Royce Canada (RRC) The first agreement allows unionized RRC workers who are currently laid off to receive the maximum insurable wage provided by the program, $1.129 per week minus the applicable deductions. As part of Canada’s

LL2323 Young Machinists hard at it again!

20 April, 2020 For immediate release Toronto, ON – The Young Machinists (also known as New Machinists) are back at work. This time they’re raising awareness – and raising money. And it’s all for the community Nicole Tappenden, an active member and a steward for her local, came up with the idea with the Young Machinists and her local quickly joined in. They are producing Thank You Cookie-Grahams to those

Working for the Community (CLC Campaign)

To: Members of the CLC Canadian Council Greetings, I hope this email finds you well. The Canadian Labour Congress is pleased to share with you that we will be launching an important new project to pay tribute to Canada’s essential workers this coming May Day. We will need your help to make it a success. This campaign aims to spotlight workers in various sectors who are helping to keep our

Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living - Day of Mourning 2020

Tuesday, April 28 is the labour movement’s most solemn day.  The National Day of Mourning remembers those workers killed or injured on the job The Canadian Labour Congress first declared the Day in 1984. More than 100 countries now observe the Day too. This National Day of Mourning, we recognize the many workers in Canada who have lost their lives or who have been injured at work. Every year, hundreds of thousands more

COVID-19: How social and economic sectors are responding

The COVID-19 crisis is having a devastating effect on all social and economic sectors. In a series of briefs, the ILO analyses how the pandemic is affecting the functioning of these sectors and how they are responding to alleviate its effects. GENEVA (ILO News) – The COVID-19 crisis is having a devastating effect on workers and employers in all sectors. Workers in essential services such as health and frontline emergency

IAM Healthcare Bargaining Priorities

April 2020 To IAMAW Representatives, Members and Employers: The pandemic has been a learning curve in many respects and has exposed critical gaps in workplaces. We’ve become aware of those gaps and unpreparedness in workplaces our members work in, leaving some of them incredibly vulnerable. Many of our members continue to work despite the risks they face without access to PPE, sick leave and even a living wage. It is

Bargaining Priorities-2020 - Canada

COVID – 19 Bargaining Considerations (Canada) The global pandemic related to COVID-19 continues to have an enormous effect on IAM members, the U.S., Canadian and global economies, IAM employers, public policy, and the broader public health. Here are some topics that IAM representatives may want to consider in negotiations with employers over COVID-19 related issues. Note: The provisions listed below are considerations for bargaining; they may or may not be