PIPSC doesn’t value families and wants to strip rights, say IAM members

20 July 2020 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The 35 members of IAM Local 907 are facing significant cuts to new parents’ parental leave financial support by their employer, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). They have been in negotiations since January. In June, both parties went to conciliation.  Immediately following that meeting, the employer filed for a No-Board Report, which typically starts a 17-day countdown to

Federal Government Extends COVID-19 Related Leaves

As a way of streamlining the extension of the number of weeks for eligibility for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the federal government announced it would also extend COVID-19 related leaves. Eligibility for CERB was extended from 16 to 24 weeks, which is now mirrored in COVID-19 related leaves in federally regulated workplaces. The goal of CERB was to stabilize the economy and provide an income for workers who

Hospes - Air Canada cuts to 30 domestic destinations a cause for great concern

14 July 2020 Vancouver, BC – Recently, Air Canada announced service to 30 domestic destinations would be indefinitely suspended, including the closure of eight smaller Canadian bases. The decision underlines the changing context of air transportation against a backdrop of uncertainty, which as all indicators show, will persist for the foreseeable future. Despite the harsh economic realities, it is regrettable that Air Canada made these decisions. It’s deeply concerning to

Senate Report Acknowledges Importance of PSWs in the Healthcare System

The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology recently published an interim report evaluating the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report examined several areas, such as the healthcare system, Canada’s ability to manufacture medical equipment, the impact of the pandemic on frontline workers, migrant workers, children and youth, as well as, people living with mental health conditions. Given the tragic events in long term care,

Jobs Worth Fighting For: The Post-Pandemic Recovery

IAMAW | Canada | May 2020 DOWNLOAD THE PDF Introduction The pandemic has ravaged the economy, and a recovery will be protracted, taking place in stages for the foreseeable future. This crisis has also exposed gaps in workplace policies, and legislation but also, the significance of certain sectors of the economy, which have either been chronically underfunded or have received very little support from the government. At the same time,

COVID19 Impact on the Aerospace Industry

During the Pandemic While the air transportation industry has usually been resilient in the wake of major disruptions and crises, it is questionable that air transportation will be able to recovery as quickly as it has in the past. Airlines are running out of liquidity making bankruptcies, consolidations and even nationalization a possibility.  All of this this will inevitably affect civil aircraft manufacturing, supply chains and aftermarket support businesses. The

Letter to Trudeau: Wage Subsidy Program: Canadian Workers’ Lifeline – Not to be Taken Away

July 7, 2020 By Email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Dear Mr. Trudeau:   Re:       Wage Subsidy Program: Canadian Workers’ Lifeline – Not to be Taken Away I am writing to you today on behalf of 50,000 active and retired Canadian members of the Machinists Union. At the outset, I wish to acknowledge your government for the

Another IAMAW Scholarship winner success story (continued)

Anna Fei was an IAM Scholarship winner in 2012. She is the daughter of Zemming, is a Customer Service Agent with Air Canada in Calgary and a member of Local Lodge 1681. The supplemental monies from the IAM Scholarship Fund went towards helping Anna with the costs of her university law degree. She persevered and completed her studies with a little help from the IAM. “We are very proud of

To Heather and Ron, in Solidarity and Friendship (from Stan Pickthall)

30 June, 2020 Today is bittersweet. We are saying farewell to two dear friends and colleagues from our Canadian IAM Staff – Sister Heather Kelley and Brother Ron Fontaine are moving on to their much-deserved retirement. And it is not without some misgivings that we see them go forward to the next chapter of their lives. But I know it is “fare well” and not goodbye. Both of them have

Canada Day message from Stan Pickthall

Sisters and Brothers,   At the midpoint of the year 2020, we find ourselves in the most challenging of times. On Canada Day, let’s celebrate our nation’s birthday together – even when we are physically apart.    I wish all our members a safe and happy holiday as we kick off the summer season.    In solidarity,   Stan Pickthall  General Vice President IAMAW Canada