Local 2413 members at SkyCafe ratify new agreement with overwhelming support

On Friday July 5th, the IAM ratified a new 3-year collective agreement for the 122 members of Local 2413 employed with SkyCafe at the Toronto and Ottawa airports. “The IAM Local 2413 Bargaining committee pushed the employer as hard as we could,” said Michael Corrado, IAM District 140 General Chairperson. “We used the conciliation process and strategically timed the release of a survey about our members wage expectations and their

IAM Business Representative John Humphrey elected President of the Federal Dockyard Liaison Committee

27 June, 2024 Toronto, ON – On Thursday, 27 June, 2024, representatives from international unions across Canada elected John Humphrey, Business representative with IAM District 250 President of the Federal Dockyard Liaison Committee (FDLC). Representatives from international unions, including the Boilermakers, IBEW, Carpenters, Painters, United Association, Operating Engineers, Sheet Metal Workers and the IAM elected Humphrey in Toronto, ON. Humphreys begins his term immediately and replaces Richard MacIntyre, the outgoing

250 new Air TransAT workers check into the IAM

Monday, 8 July, 2024 Montreal, QC – Air Transat’s 250 passenger agents, now part of the IAM, stand united with Air Transat’s mechanics and crew schedulers, who are already members of the IAM. Recurring problems with work schedules and training motivated the workers to opt for unionisation.  Support for the IAM was at more than 90%! “Thanks to our team and teamwork, we fully understood the members’ needs and showed

Nearly 300 Lion Workers Join the IAM: "The Employer Tried Everything to Prevent This Group of Workers from Joining Our Union”

28 June, 2024 Montreal, QC – Nearly 300 workers at Lion Electric have successfully unionized, despite strong opposition from the employer. The IAM in Canada is pleased to welcome these new members, who faced significant challenges during their organizing efforts. The workers assemble electric buses and trucks in Saint-Jérôme, QC. In mid-April, 2024, the IAM filed for certification with the Quebec Labour Board after a three-year campaign by the IAM.

IAM Member nominated for award on Airport Workers Day at YYZ

It was a special day for IAM member Obo Hassan, as he was nominated and recognised for his achievements and contributions to the Toronto Pearson Airport (YYZ) community. “Obo Hassan is our Health and Safety Co-chair for AAS Canada and is a leader in his workplace” said a proud Dan Janssen, IAM District Lodge 140 General Chairperson. “Obo is passionate about health and safety and making the lives of his

IATSE Canada staff get stronger with the IAM and new agreement

IAM Local 1922 (DL78) welcomes new IAM members – IATSE Canada Representatives and Administrative Staff. “Our IAM negotiations committee pushed hard through a tough round of negotiations to achieve their first agreement,” said IAM Representative Kim Valliere.  This first agreement provides several gains and also secures language for an additional week’s vacation, salary increases, severance and paid personal leave days to name a few. These new members work across Canada

It’s finally law – IAM Canadian GVP congratulates activists on decades of hard work

Another monumental triumph for the labour movement is the passage of Bill C-58, the Anti-Scab legislation, which received unanimous support from MPs and clearance by the Senate on 17 June, 2024. After decades of relentless advocacy, Canada now has federal anti-scab legislation. This is crucial for protecting workers and their right to strike. The use of scab labour not only undermines this right but also exacerbates labour disputes and intensifies

Local Lodge 2707 members ratify new agreement

Local Lodge 2707 members employed at Kromet International Inc. in Cambridge Ontario recently ratified a new three-year agreement.  Highlights of the agreement include wage, and IAM pension contribution increases in each year of the agreement, along with increases to dental and health benefits. This was a difficult round of bargaining. The negotiation committee members Michelle Murphy, Laurie Sears, and Bev Young along with alternate Dave Mehlenbacher went to the wall to

Honouring Critical Workers: IAM Celebrates Airport Workers Day

26 June, 2024 Toronto, ON – Today, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) recognises the dedicated individuals who keep our airports running smoothly and safely. The inaugural Airport Workers Day, which will be observed annually on June 26th, will pay tribute to the essential contributions of airport personnel who play a crucial role in our nation’s transportation infrastructure. Airport Workers Day was organized by the Canadian Airports

IAM Canada participates in ITF meeting: "We learned and we shared”

Last week, in Manchester, England, the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) brought together airport representatives from Buenos Aires (EZE), Manchester (MAN) and Toronto Pearson (YYZ), to take part in discussions about the impact of technological change and artificial intelligence on airport workers. The goal was to look at existing regulations and bargaining provisions from around the world and to seek ways to bring forward common language that can be shared