Machinists’ News

A federal election? What are the issues?

With all the talk about the likelihood of the Conservative Government being defeated and bringing on a federal election, some of the pundits are saying that it would be a waste of time – an election without issues. While this may be an accurate reflection of the similarity of Liberal and Conservative policies, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t crucial issues that need to be dealt with – whether or

New UN Agency for Women's Equality and Rights

The United Nations General Assembly voted Monday to create a new, more powerful agency for women, in a move supporters hailed as a breakthrough for women’s equality and rights. An Assembly resolution called for the amalgamation of four existing United Nations offices dealing with women’s affairs into a single body to be headed by an under secretary general. The unanimous vote followed three years of negotiations.

Compulsory votes on certification applications!

Dear Sisters: Dear Brothers: As you may have read in both French and English newspapers from Montreal, Quebec City and Sherbrooke, analysts at the Montreal Economic Institute claim, on democratic grounds, that compulsory votes must be held on certification applications (requests to unionize) to confirm the intention of the concerned workers. Who is in agreement with this claim? Well, the Employers’ Council (whose former president now heads the Montreal Economic

LATUC – it’s how we spell “solidarity” in Spanish

This past weekend, the Latin American trade Unionists Coalition (LATUC) was formed at their inaugural conference held at the venerable Steelworkers Hall on Cecil Street in Toronto, Ontario. The Coalition was supported by many unions, especially those with members from the Latin American communities. Among the sponsors of the Conference were the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Canada, United Steelworkers (USW) the Canadian Union of Public Employeers (CUPE) National,

The Middle Class is Growing – but not in North America warns DaCosta!

Carlos Da Costa New York, NY – There is an increase worldwide in the middle class and it’s expected to increase by 1.8 billion more by 2020 according to aviation financial analysts. Megacities will increase from 19 to 27 by 2025 and consumer buying power will multiply with them. But while the middle class is shrinking in North America; it’s growing in China, India, and Latin America. According to IAMAW

An open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama from the National Coordinator of the Canadian Health Coalition

May 7, 2009 Barack Obama President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: As the national voice for Canadians who want to protect and expand our national public healthcare system, the Canadian Health Coalition would like to encourage your efforts to make health care available and affordable for all Americans. Canada’s national Medicare system is one that all

Rapport annuel des violations des droits syndicaux

76 syndicalistes assassinés en 2008 Préface En ouvrant l’édition de cette année du Rapport annuel des violations des droits syndicaux, vous pourriez penser à l’impact terrifiant de la crise financière et économique mondiale qui a touché en 2008 des millions de travailleurs et de travailleuses aux quatre coins du monde, tant dans les pays industrialisés qu’en développement. La crise met l’accent sur la nécessité de développer une économie mondiale basée

Annual survey of violations of trade union rights 2009

76 trade unionists murdered around the world in 2008 Foreword As you open this year’s Annual Survey of Trade Union Violations, you may be thinking of the terrifying impact of the global financial and economic crisis which hit millions of working women and men around the world in both industrialised and developing countries in 2008. The crisis emphasises the need to develop a global economy based on decent jobs and

Rapport sur l’égalité - par Irene Mathyssen

Par Irene Mathyssen, porte-parole du NPD sur la condition féminine Table ronde sur l’équité salariale Les femmes ont mené une longue lutte acharnée pour avoir droit à une rémunération égale pour un travail de valeur égale. Avec l’adoption du projet de loi C-10 et de la Loi sur l’équité dans la rémunération du secteur public, notre Charte des droits et libertés a été ternie et les nombreuses femmes qui ont

Equality Report - by Irene Mathyssen

by Irene Mathyssen NDP critic for Status of Women Pay Equity Round Table Women have fought long and hard for the right to equal pay for work of equal value. With the passing of C-10 and the Public Sector Equitable Compensation Act our Charter of Human Rights has been tarnished and the many women who have fought long and hard for pay equity have been told loud and clear that