Thursday December 20, 2017
For Immediate Release
Toronto, ON – Canadian Machinists are not surprised that the US Department of Commerce has announced a ruling that simply “rubber stamps” their previous decision. But they are certainly disappointed.
Canadian General Vice-President Stan Pickthall expanded further on this viewpoint: “Today’s ruling is one more in a series of bad decisions: it’s bad for Canadian Aerospace workers and for Aerospace workers across North America. As an arm of the Trump Administration, the Department of Commerce is no friend to Canada, or even to its own citizens. This decision is a rubber stamp.”
Pickthall was speaking about the final ruling of the US Department of Commerce that reaffirms their previous decision to impose duties of nearly 300 percent on Bombardier Inc. This follows a complaint earlier this year by Boeing that led to the initial rulings. Boeing charged that Bombardier’s sale to Delta Airlines was unfairly subsidized, and they sought US Federal assistance to intervene.
“There is nothing unexpected in this,” Said Pickthall. “The Trump administration is the most partisan and protectionist government we have seen in the US, and this decision mirrors the ‘Buy America’ ideology they campaigned on. Well we say to aircraft customers: ‘Buy Canadian’, because if you do, you are buying the best aircraft of its class in the world!”
“This complaint by Boeing reeks of hypocrisy; Boeing is the most subsidized corporation in the US.” Pickthall refers to a 2015 Washington Post article (The United States of Subsidies*) that placed Boeing at the top of a list of companies receiving subsidization grants and tax credits. In that study, Boeing pulled in over $13 Billion, more than double the next-highest competitor.
The next step in this trade dispute is one the Machinists Union will be watching closely: the US International Trade Commission will issue its ruling on whether Boeing suffered any harm. It the Union’s view that there was none, considering Boeing does not even have an aircraft that competes in the same class as the C-Series. “Boeing is quite simply trying to enforce a monopoly in the US market,” Said Pickthall. “They are the largest aerospace corporation in the world, and they are used to getting their way. But this time they are not getting their way.”
Pickthall was referring to the October announcement of a strategic alliance between Bombardier and European aerospace giant Airbus. Under this deal, US-bound C-Series aircraft will be manufactured in the US, rendering any issues related to duties as moot. Aircraft destined for Canada and other international customers will continue to be built in Montreal.
For further information:
Stan Pickthall – IAM Canadian GVP
416-386-1789 Ext #23/416-779-0448
Bill Trbovich – IAM Director of Communications
416-386-1789 Ext #31/416-735-9765
Link to Post story referenced above: