13 June, 2022
Montreal, QC – Approximately 1,800 members of Local Lodge 712 at Bombardier Inc. rejected the company’s offer overwhelmingly on Saturday, 11 June, 2022.
“For years, we have played like we were on the same team,” said Éric Rancourt, Business Representative for IAM District 11 in Montreal. “We worked towards the same goal – the long-term health of the company and to secure jobs for our members. During this time, we have seen incredible bonuses for the CEO’s and other management positions while our members have had to suck it up.”
“The results of the vote make it very clear that the membership wants more equality in the deal,” said Christian Bertrand, President of IAM Local 712. “Either we are members of the same team or we are not. It’s up to Bombardier to make the next move, and it should be one where our members feel respected.”
Canadian General Vice-President Dave Chartrand, a member of LL712 at Bombardier, said, “We’ve spent a great deal of time and energy to build a real relationship with the company, and now they need to recognize the contribution and sacrifices made. Our members want to be certain they have a real partnership for the life of the contract.”
Local Lodge 712 has been representing workers in aerospace since 5 March, 1940.

The Machinists’ Union (IAMAW) is the world’s largest aerospace union with more than 184,000 members in more than 1,000 collective agreements. Active in Quebec’s aerospace industry since 1940, the IAMAW now represents 65% of unionized workers in the sector. We represent members at Airbus, Bombardier, Rolls-Royce, Stelia, Héroux-Devtek, Safran Landing, L3-MAS, AJ-Walter, Air Canada and Air Transat amongst others.
For more information:
Christian Bertrand, President, Local Lodge 712 IAM Canada
Éric Rancourt, Business Representative, IAM District 11