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International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President,
1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law
In accordance with Article III of the IAM Constitution,[1] except as set forth herein, in Canada the International will conduct elections for the offices of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President, 1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law (including one from Canada) for terms ending on June 30, 2029. Nominations for these offices can be made at a special meeting of your local on Saturday, January 18, 2025. In the event that members of your local nominate more than one candidate for IAM International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Vice President, the C.L.C and/or more than five (5) candidates for the Committee on Law, there shall be a local endorsement vote on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Both the nomination and endorsement meetings will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the location printed in your mailing.
If more than one candidate for International President, General Secretary-Treasurer and/or more than five (5) candidates for the Committee on Law receives the endorsement of 25 or more locals, including endorsements in at least three separate territories or divisions,[2] or more than one candidate for the Canadian General Vice President and/or Delegate to the C.L.C. receives nominations from 20 or more Canadian locals from at least three different provinces, there shall be an election. The election, if necessary, will take place by secret ballot mail vote. In this event, mail ballots automatically will be sent to all eligible members in good standing and must be returned to the designated P.O. Box on or before May 1, 2025.
At all special nomination/endorsement meetings, the meeting will remain open until every member present before the closing time has had the opportunity to nominate or vote. To assist in verifying your eligibility to participate in this process, bring this notice with you to your local nomination and endorsement vote meetings. Only members in good standing of the local may participate in the nomination and election process. Eligible members may also participate through absentee nomination form, as set out in this notice.
Nominations must specify the name, local, and card number of the candidate and the office for which the candidate is being nominated. Although a member can nominate fewer than the required number of candidates for an office, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the IAM Constitution, a failure by a local to nominate the required number of candidates for an office shall invalidate the local’s endorsement for that office. Locals may not nominate the same person for more than one office.
In order to find out whether there are contested nominations in your local requiring a vote on February 22, 2025, or to confirm your voting location, or to request an absentee nomination form/ballot, go to or scan the QR code.

Locals holding endorsement votes will be posted on the website on approximately January 22, 2025. You will need to log on using your card number and local number listed above your address on this notice. Candidates who receive a plurality of votes will earn the local endorsement for the contested offices.
Information concerning a mail ballot election will be posted on on approximately March 1, 2025.
Protests concerning the IAM nomination/endorsement process should be filed in writing with Andrew Buffenbarger, Special Assistant to the International President, in the By-laws and Internal Disputes Department at 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772 as soon as possible but no later than March 4, 2025. Protests regarding the election should be filed as soon as possible but no later than 10 days after the completion of the ballot tally, to be held in May 2025.
Members who: (1) reside more than 40 Km (25 miles) from the designated nominating/balloting place set forth above;[3] or (2) are at work during the times of the local nominations or balloting; or (3) are confined because of illness or injury; or (4) are on leave qualifying under family leave law; or (5) are working members on vacation or retirees more than 40 Km (25 miles) away from their residence on nomination/endorsement day; or (6) are on official IAM business; or (7) are on employer travel assignment; or (8) are on military leave, may nominate and/or participate in the endorsement vote by absentee nomination form/ballot, upon request.
Eligible members wishing to receive an absentee nomination form and/or ballot may request one by visiting or scan the QR code in this notice. Members may also request an absentee nomination form/ballot by filling in the enclosed request form or mailing a letter including the same information as soon as possible but no later than 21 days before the nomination dates set forth in this notice to: IAM P.O. Box 3368, Capitol Heights, MD 20791.
The International will confirm your eligibility to nominate or vote by absentee endorsement ballot and mail you an absentee nomination form/ ballot and instructions within 5 business days after receipt of your request, or from receipt of printed ballots, whichever is later. Members found not eligible to nominate or vote by absentee ballot will be sent notification within 5 business days after receipt of the request. If you do not receive a response to your request for an absentee nomination form/ballot, call the IAM Membership Department at (301) 967-4525.
Absentee nomination forms must be received by the International by January 18, 2025. Absentee ballots for the February endorsement vote meetings must be received by the International by February 22, 2025. Absentee ballots received after the dates set forth above will not be counted. Absentee ballot requests for the election are not necessary because every eligible member in good standing will automatically receive a mail ballot, should an election be necessary. If there is an election and you do not receive a mail ballot on or before April 7, 2025, please call (855) 433-8683.
[1] The relevant provisions of the Constitution, including the eligibility and qualification rules for holding office, may be found at
[2] For these purposes, “territories or divisions” shall mean, the Eastern Territory, the Midwest Territory, the Western Territory, the Southern Territory, the Air Transport Territory, the Canadian Territory, Headquarters and Vicinity, and the Rail Division.
[3] Distance is determined by the closest Internet driving distance.