Machinists’ News

Lobby finds most MP’s in the Dark on AECL Issues!

Ottawa, ON – Meetings here between union lobbyists and MP’s last week concerning saving the pension plan of workers at the Atomic Energy of Canada facilities in Chalk River, Ontario and Pinawa, Manitoba, had a common yet disturbing thread. “While the overall response to our concerns was positive, most of the MP’s we talked to didn’t know this was an issue affecting employees until we told them,” explained IAM Grand

Tire Technicians turn to IAM for Security

Friday February 24, 2017   For Immediate Release   Fort Frances, ON – Tire Technicians employed by Kal Tire working at the New Gold Rainy River Mine have become the newest members of the IAM. “We represent workers at Kal Tire outlets in British Columbia and Alberta and these workers see the benefits of protection and security that our union has given other Kal Tire employees,” explained IAM Grand Lodge

Don’t Look Now but the BC Election is fast approaching!

Vancouver, BC – There doesn’t appear to be too much excitement about the May 9th BC Provincial election to date but as February winds down and we head into the starting gates for the campaign over the next two months, things will heat up. We are not here to tell our members who to vote for but we do encourage them to exercise their democratic right and vote. If you

Machinists Back on the Hill to lobby for AECL jobs and pensions

Ottawa, ON – Eight members from IAM Local Lodge 1522 will be part of a multi-union contingent lobbying MP’s this week on Parliament Hill to save jobs and the pension plan of workers at the Atomic Energy of Canada facility at Chalk River. In 2014, the federal government announced the Chalk River facility would be managed by a Government-Owned, Contractor –Operated or GoCo model. It created Canadian Nuclear Laboratories as

Andrews acclaimed Secretary Treasurer of New West Labour Council

Burnaby, BC – Janet Andrews of IAM Local Lodge 764 has been acclaimed as the new Secretary Treasurer of the New Westminster and District Labour Council, effective February 22, 2017. This marks the first time an IAM member has been appointed to a full-time position with the council. She replaces Carolyn Rice who has been the Secretary Treasurer of Council for 26 years and a member for since 1973. “This

28th Constitutional Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress

The 28th Constitutional Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress will be held from Monday, May 8 to Friday, May 12, 2017 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Stay tuned for details. The Canadian Labour Congress holds a Convention every 3 years.  Local unions send delegates to the Convention with proposed resolutions they present to the floor.  The resolutions are debated and policies are adopted. At the end of the Convention

Québec Fight for $15 and Fairness

  IAM Québec Machinists turned out in force to participate in the Québec Fight for $15 and Fairness campaign. The main demands in this grassroots and labour movement are a fair minimum wage ($15 an hour), decent hours for decent incomes, paid sick days, workers’ right to organise and unionise, respect at work and rules that protect everyone. IAM members pictured below are local, district and Grand Lodge staff and

The IAM welcomes Patricia Hajdu, the New Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour

Ottawa, ON – As part of the Cabinet shuffle by the Prime Minister last week, Patricia Hajdu was appointed Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour. She was previously the Minister of Status of Women. The IAM congratulates Ms. Hajdu on her new appointment. The Labour movement is an important voice for working people. Therefore, it is vital for the federal government to engage and have ongoing discussions with Canadian

Machinists form largest contingent of CLC February lobby!

Toronto, ON – With more than 50 participants, the Machinist delegation will be the largest contingent involved in the Canadian Labour Congress stop Bill C-27 lobby on Parliament Hill, February 6-7, 2017. “Bill C-27 proposes to amend Pensions Benefits Standards Act to allow federal employers to amend existing Defined Benefit Pension Plans to create target benefit plans in their place,” explained IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. “This allows