Machinists’ News

District Lodge 250’s first ever Guide Dogs Tournament successful

Vancouver, BC – The first-ever Guide Dog Golf Tournament held by Northwest District Lodge 250 was an outstanding success raising more than $36,000. “We had over 75 golfers and more non-golfers for the dinner,” said DL250 Business Representative Al Cyr. “I was really getting worried as we were getting closer to the date as to what kind of participation we were going to have, but all of those who attended

Face-to-face site visits well received by IAM members

Vancouver, BC – The latest face-to-face site visit with IAM members in District 250 by Canadian GVP Stan Pickthall was an outstanding success. “This is something I strongly believe in,” said Pickthall. “I did this when I was the DBR for District 250 and I will continue to do so on a national basis as Canadian General Vice President.” The week-long visit to the lower mainland of BC followed a

Thousands brave inclement weather demanding decent work

Toronto, ON – The lawn of Queens Park – home of Ontario’s Legislative Buildings – has seen many protests by labour over the years but rarely has it seen an across-the-board demand for decent work and decent wages! On October 1, thousands of union members braved adverse weather to join with community activists from across Ontario to march up Toronto’s University Avenue to attend a “Rally for Decent Work.” It

Canada must not ratify ‘fundamentally flawed’ European trade pact

JOINT CANADIAN TRADE UNION STATEMENT ON CETA September 15, 2016   Canada must not ratify ‘fundamentally flawed’ European trade pact   In solidarity with mass demonstrations taking place in Europe, the undersigned Canadian trade unions, wish to echo the recent message of the 3.3 million member-strong Canadian Labour Congress that there are many questionable aspects to the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. We are therefore calling on our

IAMAW Canada Submission on the Emerson Report

Submission by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers to Transport Canada in response to the Canada Transportation Act Review Report August 2016 Introduction The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) is the largest union in the air transport sector in Canada and in North America.  We have represented Canadian air transport workers for almost 70 years. The IAMAW represents over 50,000 members across Canada, of which 22,000

Grand Lodge Convention: Remembering two deceased Machinists

Remembering Paul Mitchell IAM District 78 Directing Business Representative Derek Ferguson rose on a point of privilege to have delegates to take a moment of silence to remember for DL78 DBR Paul Mitchell who passed away in 2013. Remembering Ian Henrey Perez IAM LL 2323 Shop Committee Chair, Dave Flowers, rose of a point of privilege to have delegates remember Ian Henrey Perez, 24, an Air Canada ramp employee who

Grand Lodge Convention: Everyone wants a tie

Throughout the week, the IAM grand convention delegates have created a new revenue source – selling the ties of the members of the IAM Executive Council. It began with International President Bob Martinez, and continued with Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall, whose tie fetched $950 for the Guide Dogs of America.

IAM Grand Lodge Convention 2016

The IAM Grand Lodge Convention attracted more than 1400 delegates from across North America including 114 from Canada. This convention also marks the first time that more than 80 per cent of the delegates were attending their first convention.

CLC President Yussuff addresses Grand Lodge Convention

Canadian Labour Congress President Hassan Yussuff addressed more than 1400 delegates attending the 39th Grand Lodge Convention this week in Chicago. He told delegates that America is faced with its most important presidential election in recent history and that Americans and the IAM membership must do everything to prevent Republican nominee Donald Trump from taking office. He said the IAM membership in Canada was instrumental in defeating the right wing

Basic Newsletter Development Class

July 29, 2016   Subj: Basic Newsletter Development Class November 13-18, 2016 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center     To All District Lodge Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers, Local Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries, TCU Carmen Division Officers, National Representatives, Assistant National Representatives and Local Lodge Officers   Dear Brothers and Sisters:   This is the Official Call for the 2016 Basic Newsletter Development course at the William