Machinists’ News

IAM Journal now available via web, smartphone and email

IAM members in Canada have a new way to stay in touch with their union, through the new, interactive edition of the IAM Journal, now available via computer, smartphone or tablet. The new Journal is available to anyone with an internet connection, works on any brand of smartphone or tablet, and requires no app download through the online stores of the various brands. Members can also sign up to get

“Pension Innovation”:   Another Harper Conservative Attack on Working Canadians

The federal Conservatives are relentless in their attack on workers and workers’ rights, on behalf of their corporate backers.   The latest attack is buried in a discussion paper from the federal Department of Finance with the innocuous-sounding title of “Pension Innovation for Canadians: The Target Benefit Plan”.  In 21 pages that are likely to confuse any but the most dedicated pension wonk, the Harper Tories have hidden a stealth

Pension Innovation for Canadians: The Target Benefit Plan

Submission by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on the federal consultation paper – Pension Innovation for Canadians: The Target Benefit Plan June, 2014    The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers represents over 50,000 Canadian workers.  About half of our Canadian membership is employed in the federal jurisdiction, primarily working for airlines and air transport related companies.   Most of our membership participates in registered pension

Innover en matière de pensions, dans l’intérêt des Canadiennes et des Canadiens : Les régimes à prestations cibles

Présentation de l’Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’aérospatiale sur le document de consultation fédéral intitulé Innover en matière de pensions, dans l’intérêt des Canadiennes et des Canadiens : Les régimes à prestations cibles Juin 2014   L’Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’aérospatiale représente plus de 50 000 travailleurs au Canada. Environ la moitié des membres que nous représentons au Canada

IAM Challenges Government Attack on Workers Rights

IAM gains intervenor status to argue for Constitutional Protection for Free Collective Bargaining at Supreme Court of Canada   The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has been granted the right to intervene in the upcoming Supreme Court of Canada hearing into Saskatchewan’s Bills 5 and 6.  These Bills, passed by the Saskatchewan Party (formerly the Conservative Party) provincial government in 2008, which gave the government the unilateral right

Day of Mourning 2014, we need safer workplaces

Unions are about more than decent jobs for workers and that’s why the labour movement spares no effort to make workplaces safe for everyone. Yet, each year thousands of Canadian workers are killed or injured on the job or die from work-related diseases. 979 Canadians died in 2012 because of their work, but we know the numbers are higher because official figures only capture those who received workers’ compensation benefits.

Day of Mourning 2014 - Statement

Day of Mourning   April 28 is a Day of Mourning for thousands of Canadian workers killed or injured on the job each year, or who die from work-related diseases. On this day, we mourn, but it is also a time to insist that all levels of government do more to enforce existing health and safety laws and vigorously prosecute violations when a worker is killed or seriously injured.  

IAM Election Dates and Times for Locals in Canada

LL Meeting Location Address City Prov. Postal Code Meeting Date Meeting Time 11 Sunbury Hall 10409 Dunlop Road Delta BC V4C 2L1 Wednesday, April 16, 2014 3:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 16 IAM LL 764 7980 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X7 Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 32 Royal Canadian Legion 268 High Street W Moose Jaw SK S6H 1S8 Sunday, April 27, 2014 8:00 p.m.

OXFAM Honours IAM for Philippines Relief Contribution!

OXFAM thanks IAM Canada The Executive Director of Oxfam Canada, Robert Fox, presented IAM Canada with a commemorative plaque in recognition of the Union’s contribution towards Oxfam’s relief and reconstruction work in areas of the Philippines devastated by Typhoon Haiyan on November 8, 2013. Joining IAM Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie in accepting the honour were members of the IAM Canada Philippine community. (Left to right) Manny Crescencia, Angeles