Machinists’ News

ARE YOU DANCING on 14 February?

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.   That is one billion women.   In 2013, one billion women and men shook the earth through dance to end violence against women and girls.   This year, on 14 february 2014 we are calling on women and men everywhere to harness their power and imagination to rise for justice.   Imagine, one billion

One Minute to Tell the World

One Minute to Tell the World     how unions stand up for fairness, how unions deliver good jobs and better lives, how unions work for a better deal for everyone. What does "Fairness Works" mean for you, your family and your community?

USEFUL NUMBERS: 2014 - By Louis Erlichman

A. PENSIONS:   1.  OLD AGE SECURITY BENEFIT (Monthly, at age 65, January/2014)   $551.54     -adjusted quarterly OAS/GIS can be deferred up to 5 years (to age 70), with an increase of 0.6% for each month of deferral   2.  CANADA/QUEBEC PENSION PLAN (2014)    * Maximum Monthly Retirement Benefit at age 65 $1,038.33 [Reduction of 0.56%(CPP)/0.53%(QPP)per month for retirement 60-64;  Increase of 0.70% per month for retirement

IAM / USW Airport Screeners Conference 2014

    Harper Government Uses Security Fees to Cut Federal Deficit You Now Spend More Time in Airport Lines!       November 2013    IAM / USW Airport Screeners Conference 2014    Dear Sisters and Brothers,    In February 2014, the International Association of Machinists (IAM) are joining forces with United Steelworkers (USW) in presenting the first-ever Canadian Airport Screeners Conference.    This historic joint conference will take place

Report on the ITF Civil Meeting - November 2013, by Carlos Da Costa

Recently I had the privilege of attending the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) civil aviation section meeting in London. During this meeting many topics were discussed that impact on aviation workers worldwide.   Along with the country reports submitted by each union present, discussions took place on the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) 34 page report called “Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on the Civil Aviation Industry” published in February

Rising Together – OFL Calls for Unity with the Community!

Toronto, ON – The five-day Ontario Federation of Labour Convention was structured around the theme – “Rising Together” – with OFL president Sid Ryan calling upon the delegates to unite against the anti-worker policies and agenda of the federal and provincial conservatives.   “We’re in for the fight of our lives, make no mistake about it,” said IAM Canadian General Vice President Dave Ritchie. “We have to walk out of

Air Transport Conference August 2013

The IAM Air Transport Conference was held this year in Las Vegas during the week of August 19th.   This conference is held every two years and delegates from all Local and District Lodges in North America including Guam, Hawaii and Puerto Rico attended.  Delegates discuss transportation issues in groups by topic and by country.  Speakers from the transport industry as well as elected politicians talk about their experiences so

Nugent Named to OFL Honour Roll

Retired IAM Grand Lodge Representative Jim Nugent has been selected to be inducted into the Ontario Federation of Labour’s Honour Roll for 2013.   Nugent joins Brenda Carrigan of OECTA, Beverly McCloskey of CAW Local 222, Jack Ostroski Sr., USW Local 2251 (deceased) and Logan Sellathurai of CUPE Ontario. The names of these five distinguished activists will be added to the OFL Honour Roll plaque on permanent display at the

Solidarity at the South Pole

Left to right – IAM Local Lodge 99 member Spencer Smirl holds the IAM flag with another member of the Finnes Antarctic crossing expedition. The Six Month journey will take the expedition from Crown Bay on the continent’s east shore, and cross the South Pole enroute to Ross Island on the continents south shore.      Over the years our members have proudly shown the IAM flag wherever and whenever

17th Annual Dave Ritchie Golf Invitational (Info Package)

February 2013 To:  Staff, Districts and Local Lodges in Canada Re: 17th Annual Dave Ritchie Invitational Golf Tournament       Saturday, June 8, 2013 – Remington Parkview Golf & Country Club I am pleased to announce that we will be holding our 17th Annual Invitational Golf Tournament for Guide Dogs Saturday, June 8, 2013. I trust your District and Local Lodge will join us again this year in our efforts