Machinists’ News

CPP and Flexible Retirement: Changes Coming

While the debate on future improvements to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits continues, a number of smaller CPP changes, already agreed to by the federal and provincial governments, will be coming into effect in 2011 and over the next few years. The most significant changes involve the flexible retirement provisions of the CPP.    You can start to draw CPP retirement benefits any time between the ages of 60 and

Everybody out of the pool! PRPPs are Not the Answer

  You might have noticed a pension item in the news just before the holidays.  At a December meeting in Alberta, federal and provincial finance ministers decided not to move on improvements to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), but rather to proceed with some kind of private sector-based savings scheme – a Pooled Registered Pension Plan or PRPP. Federal finance minister Flaherty, who had been part of the broad consensus

Chiffres utiles - 2011

CHIFFRES UTILES POUR VOTRE GOUVERNE: 2011 A. PENSIONS: 1. PRESTATIONS DE SÉCURITÉ DE VIEILLESSE:   (Mensuelles Janvier 2011)  -ajustées tous les 3 mois          $524.23 2. RÉGIME DE PENSIONS DU CANADA/QUÉBEC (2011)   *Prestations mensuelles: Prestations maximum à l’âge    de 65 ans    $960.00   (Réduction annuelle de 6% à l’âge de retraite 60-64,           Augmentation annuelle de 6% à l’âge de retraite 65-70)   *Prestation maximum d’invalidité  $1,153.37   *Prestation maximum au survivant                                   RPC               RPQ   Au-dessous

International Migrants Day - 18 December

On 4 December 2000, the General Assembly, taking into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world, proclaimed 18 December International Migrants Day (resolution 55/93). On that day, in 1990, the Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (resolution 45/158). Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are invited to observe International Migrants Day through

Pat Murphy Remembered

Pat Murphy passed away peacefully at his home with his family by his side following a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer on December 9, 2010. Pat will be remembered for many things but most of all for his sense of humour and his deep commitment to social justice, human rights, volunteerism, human dignity and the protection and fair representation of his brothers and sisters in the work place. He

Angela Schira Steps Away from BC Fed!

Vancouver, BC – The longest serving Executive Officer of the BC Federation of Labour, Angela Schira, did not seek re-election in last weeks BC Fed Convention. A longtime member of the Executive board since 1982, Schira earned a reputation as an outspoken advocate for union members working in resource communities, cities and towns across British Columbia. Schira has been on leave from her duties since suffering serious injuries in an

14 Actions: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. On this day we remember and mourn the loss of 14 women, murdered at Montréal’s École Polytechnique, murdered because they were women. We remember the 14 lives lost. And there are other numbers to remember: Every minute of every day, a woman or child is being sexually assaulted in Canada Homicide is the Number 1 killer


WW 2011 is shaping up to be a unique celebration of voices. THE CONVERSATION INCLUDES YOU. This is a deliberate Call for Participation, more than a call for papers. Why? Because WW 2011 is as much about grassroots activism as it is about academic achievement. We know that important insights come from various communities – that’s why we are striving to make WW 2011 a space for all kinds of

Take Action for Health Care

Dear friend, This week is National Medicare Week, a time to celebrate a defining feature of of our country. Canadians strongly support the core values on which our public health care system is premised – equity and fairness. There are, however, serious problems that need to be urgently addressed, including lack of access to timely care, home and continuing care, and affordable prescription drugs. And the Prime Minister has stood

District 140 Convention

Transportation District Lodge 140 recently held their annual convention in Whistler, BC. President and Directing General Chairperson, Chuck Atkinson, and Secretary Treasurer, Randy Smith, ran a great convention where over 50 delegates and 18 guests attended. The two day event held an election of one new Vice president, 3 trustees, and 5 Board members to the Executive Board as follows: Vice President – Marcel St-Jean, Trustees – Andrew MacFarlane, Lou