Machinists’ News

International Transport Federation 42nd Congress, Mexico City 2010

The 42nd ITF Congress is being held in Mexico City from 5 to 12 August 2010. Mexico’s geographical location and character has, inevitably, determined the way the country’s transport industry has evolved. Surrounded by the sea – the Pacific to the South and West; the Gulf of Mexico to the East; and the Caribbean Sea in the southeast – there is a vital shipping industry with 76 seaports. Of these,

Abousfian Abdelrazik – Denied the Right to Work!

By Mary Foster – Project Fly Home Abousfian Abdelrazik, a native of Sudan and a trade unionist and machinist by trade, fled his native country to Canada to avoid a military coup and start a new life. All went well with living in Canada until he decided to return to Sudan to visit his mother in 2003. His visit was to last six years in which he was jailed without

The Bombardier Super-Scooper - The Great Canadian Success Story!

North Bay, On – The Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft is unique to say the least. It is the benchmark by which other firefighting aircraft are judged. No other aircraft can stay on station fighting a forest fire longer than the ‘415’ – four hours on station to be exact. Cruising across the surface of a lake, river or large pond (sites as small as 2 metres deep and 90 meters

Aeroguard Bargaining Committee

Front row left to right: Ron Fontaine-GLR, Derek Rose, Rene Chand, Clement Nunes Middle Row: Tanya Canniff –District 140 GC Western Region, Chris Thompson, Bong Regualos Back Row Bob Mosley, Philip Kim, Marc Wong, Rick Singh The newly elected IAM Negotiating Committee representing employees of Aeroguard at the Vancouver International Airport held their negotiation preparation training classes during the week of May 22-28 at the W 3 Training Center.  GLR

Killings at Sea an Outrage

  31 mai 2010 – The ITUC condemns the killing of as many as 19 persons in a boat convoy headed for Gaza today, and the wounding of many more, as an outrage. A full, open and independent enquiry is needed to establish the precise details of what took place when Israeli soldiers boarded vessels in the convoy, which was organised to bring supplies to Gaza. Those responsible for violations

Harmonisation mondiale et le SIMDUT

Rapport du Centre de santé et sécurité des travailleurs et travailleuses Ce rapport fait suite à une demande d’information sur le Système général harmonisé de classification et d’étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH) et son impact sur le Système d’information sur les matières dangereuses utilisées au travail (SIMDUT) en place.Qu’est-ce que le SGH? Le SGH est une initiative internationale de normalisation de la catégorisation des risques et de communication mondiale. Le

Global Harmonization and WHMIS

A report from the workers health & safety centerThis report is in response to an information request about the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) and its impact on our current Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).   What is GHS?GHS is an international initiative to standardize chemical hazard classification and communication globally.  WHMIS is our national hazard communication system.  According to the Office of WHMIS,

G-20 Trade union leaders urge labour ministers to push for job-intensive recovery strategies

Brussels, 20 April 2010: A delegation of trade union leaders from the G20 countries told G20 labour and employment ministers during a meeting in Washington yesterday afternoon that the current fragile economic recovery will be a jobless recovery, or even revert to a renewed decline in output, if governments do not put a stronger emphasis on decent employment creation. Sharan Burrow, President of the Australian Congress of Trade Unions and

505 Order of Canada Recipients Call for Nuclear Weapons Treaty

 Media Release For Immediate Release 19 April 2010   (Ottawa) – In an unprecedented development, more than 500 recipients of the prestigious Order of Canada have come together to call on governments around the world, including Canada, to bring about the elimination of nuclear weapons. “This is the first time that so many recipients of the Order of Canada have signed a common declaration,” said Murray Thomson, an executive member