Machinists’ News

How safe are your retirement savings?

As we watch the global financial meltdown and the wild daily gyrations of the stock market, a common question is “what will the effect on pension plans and other retirement savings?”. If I am in a pension plan, will the stock market decline affect my pension? What is happening to the money in my RRSP, or other savings? Should I be moving my money? Will it affect my retirement? The

Media Advisory - Dave Ritchie Press Conference following a meeting with Labour Minister Claudette Bradshaw

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Advisory OTTAWA – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), will hold a news conference, Tuesday, December 7 at 1:45 P.M. in 130S Centre Block, following a meeting with Labour Minister Claudette Bradshaw to discuss the economic security of air transport employees affected by air transport restructuring. The IAM is Canada’s largest air transport union representing more than

Machinists Union secures 6000 jobs in air transport restructuring

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Machinists Union secures 6000 jobs in air transport restructuring WINNIPEG – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and Ron Fontaine, President of the IAM’ Air Transport District today announced a major breakthrough in its campaign to secure worker protection in the ongoing air transport restructuring process. The union has secured an agreement with Air Canada that, if it

Machinists Union Leadership to Testify at Commons Transport Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Machinists Union Leadership to Testify at Commons Transport Committee OTTAWA – Dave Ritchie, Canadian Vice President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), will outline the union’s position on air transport restructuring in an appearance before the House of Commons Transport Committee today (Tuesday, November 16) at 5 p.m. in Room 237-C of the Centre Block. The Machinists Union, Canada’s largest air transport union,