Machinists’ News

The IAM welcomes the Appointment of prominent Labour Leaders to the NAFTA Advisory Council

As the first round of renegotiations of NAFTA approaches – starting on August 16 – the Liberal Government is adopting a multi-partisan and inclusive approach with the creation of the NAFTA Advisory Council. Former politicians from the entire political spectrum, along with stakeholders will be assisting the Chief Negotiator Minister Chrystia Freeland (Minister of Foreign Affairs) and her team in the challenging renegotiations of NAFTA with the United States and

Machinists win lengthy arbitration at Flin Flon

Flin Flon, MB – An arbitration concerning a job evaluation case for some members of IAM Local Lodge 1848 employed by Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company Limited (HUDBay) at Flin Flon, has been awarded in favour of the union. Under the terms of the collective agreement, if the employer and the Union fail to reach agreement upon any job descriptions, classification or assignment to job classifications through the procedure

Second annual DL250 Guide Dogs tournament a huge success!

Vancouver, B.C. – The IAM District Lodge 250 Guide Dogs Golf Tournament is only in its second year but the growth is remarkable the bench mark for next year will be a challenge. “We had 118 participants this year, almost double the inaugural tournament’s totals,” explained organizer DL 250 Business Representative Al Cyr. “We had tremendous response for sponsorship from the employers we represent and this helped us raise in

GVP Pickthall updates LL 2921 Executive on Airport Privatization

Mississauga, ON – IAM Canadian General Vice-President Stan Pickthall met with the Executive Board of IAM Local Lodge 2921 on July 20th to talk about Political Action and the issue of airport privatization that is looming over Canadian airports. “Many of our Locals are rallying against the privatization of airports and Local Lodge 2921 is working hard to get signatures on our petition to stop the Liberal government from moving

Machinists on hand as Horgan sworn in as new BC Premier

Victoria, B.C. – After the historic provincial election which took almost two months to resolve, the NDP has officially taken power in British Columbia. John Horgan was sworn in as British Columbia’s 36th Premier along with his cabinet at Government House on Tuesday and the IAM was honoured to be there. “We’re excited, this marks the first day of a new BC government that will work hard for all working

Major Changes in Labour Standards in Ontario: an important Win for Workers!

Following up with the release of The Changing Workplaces Review’s final report, the Liberal Government has recently introduced Bill 148 (Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act), to amend two fundamental Labour laws in Ontario, the Employment Standards Act for all workers, and the Labour Relations Act for unionized workers only. One of the major improvements is the introduction of $15 minimum wage to be phased in on January 1st, 2019. The

IAM Canadian officers inducted on Canada Day!

Upper Marlboro, MD – Not only was July 1st Canada’s 150th birthday but it was also the day that the IAM Executive Council was inducted, reciting the Oath of Office for their terms in which they were elected. “It was especially significant for me to be sworn into office on Canada’s 150th birthday,” said IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall. “Our Canadian officers are part of a great team

IAM scholarship award presented at graduation ceremony

Edmonton, AB – Canadian IAM members and their children have been presented with the IAM scholarship award every year but rarely do we capture the presentation at a graduation ceremony. For 2017 IAM scholarship recipient Britney Trieu of Edmonton, her award was presented to her as part of her high school graduation ceremony Friday June 30th. The award is based on academic excellence, test scores, attitude toward study, personal references

Pickthall visits planes and automobiles

Vancouver, BC – Stan Pickthall didn’t take the train to Vancouver but he did go by plane and he did tour a number of automobiles in his most recent site visit of IAM work places. The Canadian GVP along with Chief of Staff Gord Falconer joined Transportation District Lodge 140 General Chairperson Tania Canniff to tour G4S operations at Vancouver International Airport. “This was a unique experience for me to

United Way Centraide Canada thanks IAM

Toronto, ON – In 2016, United Way Centraide Canada raised more than $522 million to support United Way’s 6,200 programs across the country. Each year the United Way says ‘Thanks a Million’ to leading Canadian corporations, employers and labour organizations that – together with their employees and members – raised $1 million or more in support of United Way Centraide. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – IAM