News Releases

Ministry Vote Produces Rejection of Final Offer!

For Immediate Release Sault Ste. Marie, ON – A supervised Ministry of Labour vote Wednesday has failed to resolve a bitter lockout between members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2332 and three automotive dealerships. “Our members at two of the dealerships, Superior Dodge Chrysler and Highland Ford, rejected the final offer by a wide margin,” explained IAMAW Business Representative Rob Thompson. Members at the third dealership, Prouse Motors, accepted the offer

Dealerships try to divide Union with latest offer!

Sault Ste. Marie, ON – The latest contract offer from the three auto dealerships involved in a lengthy lockout with members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2332, is a blatant attempt to divide the union. “Management is lying when it says its latest offer contained no concessions,” explained a frustrated IAMAW Business Representative Rob Thompson. “They have claimed to have offered a three percent wage increase but that’s only for mechanics.

Sid Ryan to Ontario employers: Kill a worker, go to jail

(TORONTO) – Workplace safety may have taken a huge step forward with the use of a Criminal Code of Canada provision against a Sault Ste. Marie company, says OFL president Sid Ryan. Millennium Crane Rentals Ltd. will appear in court this week on charges of criminal negligence causing death following a fatal accident last spring, according to an article published yesterday at The charges are as a result of

Urgent Action Needed to Save Canadian Aviation Maintenance Industry!

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The recent announcement by Air Canada/AVEOS of the layoff of more than one thousand aircraft maintenance mechanics is the latest indication that Canada is in danger of losing its place in this growing global industry. “If we don’t do something right now, these jobs and this industry aren’t coming back,” declared IAMAW Canadian General Vice-President Dave Ritchie. The IAMAW is calling for an immediate

Concessions Increased in Sault Dealership Lockout!

For Immediate Release Sault Ste. Marie, ON – Concession demands have increased in the latest offer from the three auto dealerships who have locked out members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2332 on December 21, 2009. “If anything the attitude of the employer has become worse with time,” said a disgusted Rob Thompson IAMAW Directing Business Representative. “Now they want to reduce the pension contribution for the lowest paid employees by

Machinists Ink New Deal with Bombardier

North Bay, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 2412 have a new three-year collective agreement with Bombardier Aerospace. The new agreement provides for wages increase of 2 per cent in the first year, 2.25 per cent in the second year and 2.5 per cent in the third year. The current average wage rate is $29.40 per hour. Other agreement highlights include : • Won a 26 week Short Term Disability

Air Canada Refuses to Fly the Extra Mile to Save Jobs!

Over 1,000 Aircraft Mechanics to be laid Off in April! For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – “Over one thousand highly skilled aircraft mechanics at Air Canada will be laid off this April and the company doesn’t give a damn,” says a disgusted Fred Hospes, IAMAW District 140 Regional Assistant Directing General Chairperson –Western Region. “The Machinists have been negotiating layoff mitigation decisions with the company for months now and they

Women’s Equality Lagging in Canada – Machinists Tell UN!

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – Canada’s performance in achieving women’s equality is lagging badly according to a report by Labour and women’s groups. The report, “Reality Check Women in Canada and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action Fifteen Years On, A Canadian Civil Society Response”, will be distributed at the Beijing plus 15 meeting held at the United Nations in New York, March 1-12, 2010. “Five years ago,

Machinists Expand in Hospitality Sector Again!

For Immediate Release London, ON – Twenty employees of the Days Inn are the latest hospitality workers to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The certification of housekeeping and maintenance staff at the 150 room hotel in the Forest City marks the second successful organizing campaign in the hospitality sector for the Machinists in 2010. Earlier this month, employees at the Country Inn in Oakville, Ontario became

Les Machinistes réalisent d’autres gains dans le secteur du tourisme!

À publier immédiatement London, ON – Vingt employés de l’hôtel Days Inn deviennent les plus récents membres de l’Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’aérospatiale. L’accréditation des préposés à l’entretien ménager et à la maintenance de l’hôtel de 150 chambres dans la « ville de la forêt » marque la fin d’une deuxième campagne de recrutement réussie des Machinistes dans le secteur du tourisme en 2010.