Political Action

Airline Unions Draw Incumbents and Candidates to PAC Meeting

Click here to see photos of the meeting. Toronto, ON – Members of IAM District Lodges 78 and 140 and CUPE Airline Division Political Action Committees held a meet and greet with NDP Incumbent MPs, MPPs and candidates for the upcoming federal election, last night at the IAM District Lodge 78 offices. “Our ultimate goal is to give Harper the boot in the upcoming election and put in place a

Horwath Survives Leadership Review

Labour Not Sold Yet   Andrea Horwath lives to fight another day as leader of the Ontario NDP. She promised delegates at a Toronto convention to do a better job by reaching out to unions and returning to the party’s socialist values. IAM delegates to the Ontario NDP convention in November. Front row, left to right: Plutarco (Chico) Pacheco, Retiree Political Action Committee; Christina De Oliveria, IAM LL 1295; Robert

Unfairness Revisited!

Toronto (30 Sept. 2014) — Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are back at it again. They are bringing back Bill C-377 after it got roundly criticised in the Senate and sent back to the House for changes last year.   Both Conservative and Liberal Senators sent back Bill C-377, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (requirements for labour organizations), back to the government for major amendments, yet Harper

Only ONE position on strategic voting,” says IAM’s Dave Ritchie

For immediate release! 25 September, 2014 The IAM in Canada have only ever had one position on strategic voting, says Canadian General Vice-president Dave Ritchie. “We are going into a federal election next year, and I want to make clear to all our members, prospective members, and the public at large, that strategic voting only means that Liberals and Tories benefit,” said Ritchie. Voting strategically means making a choice on

First Canadian PAC Symposium deemed a success

Canadian GVP Dave Ritchie addresses the first ever Canadian Political Action Committee Symposium at the William Winpisinger Education Centre. On any given day, when you put 90 Canadians in a room, the discussions will cover a variety of topics. First and foremost, the weather, second, how their favorite hockey team will fair this coming season, third, if they live in a major city, how bad the local traffic is and

Bill C-23: Harper’s Unfair Elections Act

The Harper Conservatives have an apparently insatiable appetite for bending (and sometimes breaking) Canada’s electoral laws in order to gain, and hold onto, power – so that they can serve the interests of their corporate masters.   The Courts ruled against the Conservatives in their dispute with the independent Chief Electoral Officer over their attempts to circumvent electoral funding rules. Conservative operatives used robocalls to misdirect voters on election day.

C-23 : le projet de loi sur la malhonnêteté électorale signé Stephen Harper

Les conservateurs du gouvernement Harper semblent avoir un appétit insatiable pour plier (et parfois enfreindre) les lois électorales du Canada dans l’optique d’acquérir – et de conserver – le pouvoir pour servir les intérêts des sociétés qui leur dictent quoi faire.   Les tribunaux ont condamné les conservateurs dans leur différend contre le directeur général [indépendant] des élections après avoir tenté de contourner les règles du financement électoral. Les conservateurs

The Time to Act is Now!

Political action is any action that brings pressure on political or governmental agencies and/or individuals in order to persuade them to take action.   At no other time in our recent history has the Canadian worker been faced with such hostility from the Conservative Right, be it federal, provincial or municipal governments, self interest groups such as the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Chamber of Commerce, and Conservative Think-Tanks like

IAM political lobbying and letter-writing workshop for activists and staff

The Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM) held a political lobbying and letter-writing workshop for activists and staff in the IAM. The session was attended by 32 IAM members from Ontario and was facilitated by Heather Kelley, National Education Representative; Gord Falconer, National Political Action Co-ordinator and Frank Saptel, National Communications Representative.   Gord Falconer and Heather Kelley Stan Pickthall and Frank Saptel   The workshop discussed fact “cards” on