After returning from the Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM) Convention this past June, the Local Lodge 54 Executive discussed the topic of local engagement, which was brought up at the Convention.
The Executive decided one avenue for engagement with members was to hold a BBQ once a month for four months to show their appreciation to the membership. The four events were to accommodate all four shifts.
All members were invited to attend, eat, and discuss matters important to them. The BBQ featured large hot dogs and hamburgers, macaroni salad, potato salad, and all the fixing for the burgers and dogs – a total of 20 some-odd members attended.
“All in all, it was a great event,” said Ted McGrath, LL54 Executive member. “We don’t get to hang out together outside of work often, so the time spent was very valuable. The local is hoping to find more ways to engage our members and increase our overall participation in positive ways.”