Letter from GVP David Chartrand re: possible TTC Strike

Dear TTC Board Chair and Commissioners,  On behalf of the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers members in Canada, I am writing to express my full support for the nearly 12,000 TTC workers, represented by ATU Local 113, who are currently bargaining a new collective agreement with you. Like most people in Toronto, our members rely on the TTC to get to and from work, to get their kids

60th Annual OPCM Convention a huge success

The Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM) held their 60th Annual Convention in the Toronto area this past weekend. Conducted over the weekend of 31 May – 02 June, the Convention highlighted issues important to many IAM members and workers in general. Since the inaugural OPCM held its first annual Convention in 1964, the face and the shape of the conventions have undergone a dramatic transformation. Many speakers and participants

IAM applauds Historic Pharmacare Victory

Yesterday, Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare, passed at third reading in the House of Commons. “This is an historic victory for the labour movement,” said IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand. “I want to thank all the IAM political activists and members who took the time to email, write, and lobby their Members of Parliament (MP) in the effort to reach this historic milestone.” Bill C-64 represents the biggest

Fighting Machinists Secure Historic Contract at British Airways, Elevating Standards of Living for IAM Members in Toronto and Montreal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto – Customer service representatives working for British Airways in Toronto and Montreal recently ratified a new three-year collective agreement. “This agreement marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of fair wages and improved working conditions for IAM Members at British Airways. Our bargaining teams out of IAM Local 2413 and IAM Local 2309 did a great job fighting for what they deserve at the bargaining table.”

Pride 2024: No one left behind: Equality, freedom, and justice for all

June 1, 2024 SHARE For Pride 2024, Canada’s unions stand firm under the banner of “No One Left Behind: Equality, Freedom, and Justice for All.” In solidarity with our 2SLGBTQI+ siblings, we affirm our commitment to safeguarding the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ people and refusing any attempts to turn back the progress we’ve fought tirelessly to achieve. 2SLGBTQI+ workers are integral members of Canada’s labour movement, proudly serving as activists, shop stewards and

IAM Local 2413 wins big in grievance settlement

On March 15th 2023, the Ottawa Airport Authority issued a press release indicating they were revoking Menzies licence to operate in a 30-day period. IAM District 140 General Chairperson (GC) Michael Corrado sprang into action to advocate for this group of bargaining unit members. GC Corrado challenged the employer for not giving the group of more than 50 workers from IAM Local Lodge 2413 the required notice period specified in

Fruitful first agreement for members at North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority

Workers at the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority were certified as IAM Union members in March of this year. Late last week, they ratified their first Collective Agreement. “In addition to the usual wage increases, vacation and call-in pay improvements; the agreement provides some new benefits including a top up for pregnancy leave, time off for citizenship and pay for snow days,” stated IAM Organizer Scott Jackson. The 20 employees of

LL692 members at Leavitt Machinery in British Columbia ratify new Memorandum

The Membership of IAM Local 692 working at Leavitt Machinery in BC recently-ratified a new Memorandum of Agreement by an overwhelming margin. There were numerous gains in benefits, pensions, tool allowance, and wage increases (6% in year 1, 3% in year 2, and 3% in year 3) over the life of the Memorandum. The largest gain was in vacation, where the Bargaining Committee successfully reduced the eligibility of 4 weeks’

Load Controllers in Calgary (WestJet) ratify important first agreement

In the Fall of 2022, WestJet Load Controllers in Calgary reached out to the IAM regarding their stagnant wages and sought to improve their working conditions. From 2012 till the ratification, they had seen wage increases only a few times, most of those coming after they signed with the IAM to represent them. From 2012 to 2024 they were behind almost 20% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase, which

IAM Canada Announces Ratification of 3-Year CBA with Innotech Aviation Ottawa

23 May, 2024 Ottawa, ON – IAM Canada is pleased to announce the ratification of a new 3-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Innotech Aviation at Ottawa International Airport (YOW). The agreement received 100% support from 100% of the membership. IAM members at this location operate the Shell Aerocentre, managed by Innotech Aviation. These members serve as Line Service Representatives (LSRs) and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs). The LSRs handle the