Conservatives (again) show they are against workers!

On 18 March, 2024, the hopes of Manitoba’s workers were once again crushed by the political maneuverings of the Progressive Conservatives. The IAM and Manitoba’s Labour movement rallied together to proudly support the much-anticipated Manitoba NDP Government’s Anti-Scab and Single Step Certification legislation. “However, the PCs have once again chosen to prioritize political gamesmanship over the well-being of the working class. They opted to filibuster the day and effectively quash

New contract for IAM LL901 at Protectolite

Last week the members of IAM Local 901 working at Protectolite, ratified a new 4-year agreement. In addition to annual wage increases, improvements were made to the pension plan, life insurance, safety boots and glasses. “The negotiations committee of Eddie Gardner and Daniel Ladouceur did a great job”, said IAM District 78 Union Representative Vivianne Simon. Protectolite Composites, located in Toronto, manufactures molded composite components for a number of industrial

IAM Local Lodge 712 Members Vote to Strike Over "Unacceptable Offer"

Members at IAM Local Lodge 712 in the Mirabel plant, Quebec, have overwhelmingly rejected Airbus’ latest wage increase proposal and opted for a strike. Representing 1,300 out of 3,000 workers at Airbus’ Canadian plant, the members of Local 712 voted 99.6% against the contract and 98.9% in favour of striking. #IAMAW @MachinistsUnion Participation from members was over 80%. With their previous collective agreement expiring on December 31, the proposed three-year

Women’s Day Training at District 78

Last 8 March, 2024, which was International Women’s Day, IAM Canada’s Director of Research, and Women and Human Rights Representative, Ivana Saula, held a Women’s Committee training at District 78’s office in Toronto. Sisters from District 78 Locals: 1231, 2113, 1295, 907 and 901 attended the session. The training included a session on women’s history in the labour movement, emphasizing the key role women have played in the movement, and perhaps more

IAM District Women recognised for their work

IAM Union sisters Vivianne Simon (left) and Rootisha Rampat (right) were recently recognised by the Director of the IAM’s Women’s and Human Rights Department, Julie Frietchen (centre), for their exemplary work during the first cohort of the Leadership Excellence Assembly of Dedicated Sisters program. The LEADS program started in 2022 with the mission of preparing more IAM Union sisters for the roles of union representatives, Local and District presidents, and other

Thought you knew about the Gender Gap? READ THIS!

A recent report on the status of women by the World Bank revealed a concerning, but not an entirely surprising trend; the global gender gap is greater than was previously thought. The report reveals that no country in the world has achieved gender equality, at least in terms of providing the same opportunities for women as are available to men.   The sobering results come out of a study that

Voices of Women in the IAM

In preparation for celebrations for International Women’s Day, IAM Canada is releasing the first of its kind newsletter, Voices. This newsletter is dedicated to stories about accomplishments of IAM sisters; sisters who are making a difference in their local lodges, workplaces, communities and beyond. Voices will also feature inspiring international developments and stories that link workers and women’s struggles in a broader global context, underscoring the importance of solidarity through activism;

First Agreement for LL1295 at Renascent Fellowship in Whitby, ON

In September of 2023, the employees of Renascent Fellowship voted in favour of joining the IAM Union. Late last week, they voted to ratify their first Collective Agreement. In addition to modest wage increases, our newest members now have a nightshift premium, safety shoe allowance for kitchen staff and better benefits, with the Employer taking on a larger share of the costs. IAM Union Representatives Scott Jackson and Sara Mitchell