LL 16 Securiguard Core Vancouver Airport members ratify new contract

Vancouver, BC – Local Lodge 16 members voted in favour of a new contract this week. The renewal of their contract brought some improvements, resulting in the ratification. The three-year agreement improved wages as well as a parking and transportation allowance in lieu of parking as many members take transit. They also gained an extra week of vacation “Ronal Ram, David Kaleta, Johnny De Silveira, Crystal Yamamoto and Ali Goljahani

Newfoundland and Labrador Members Overwhelmingly Ratify New Contract

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [Gander, NL – 30 October, 2023] – The members of IAM Local Lodge 927 employed by Allied Aviation in Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, have overwhelmingly voted in favour of ratifying a new collective agreement. The ratification, held on 19 October, 2023, marks a significant milestone in the negotiation process. The members had been without a contract since 5 August, 2023. After months of effort, the two sides

“Kvennafrí - The Icelandic Pay Equity Strike and Its Relevance to Canada

In late October 2023, thousands of Icelandic women and non-binary individuals staged a day-long strike, known as “Kvennafrí” or “Women’s Day Off,” to protest unequal pay and gender-based violence. Even Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir joined the movement. Unions largely organised this strike! The strike began at 2:38 PM, symbolizing the point in the workday when Icelandic women essentially stop earning compared to their male counterparts. The strike was hugely

Local 717T member new 3-year deal

IAM Union members of Local 717T at Magellan Aerospace ratified a new 3-year deal. Improvements include wage increases in each year of the contract, with an increase to pension in year two. Improvements were also made to vision benefits, shift premiums, safety shoe allowance, and short-term disability benefits. IAM Local 717T represents Magellan Aerospace employees working in the engine repair and overhaul plant located in Mississauga, ON. Located in Mississauga,

“Quality Without Compromise” – recognising the work of IAM members in Winnipeg

IAM Local Lodge 714 were recognised for the dedication to the work they do in Winnipeg for Air Canada. There was a special presentation, at the YWG Hangar, of a commemorative plaque to recognize all the work that’s been done over the decades. Approximately 80 members attended the celebration which was intended to recognise all employees/members who worked at the YWG Hangar. The special plaque reads, in part, “…presented jointly

New LL2734 members get their first contract at Samsic

The new members at IAM Local Lodge 2734 held a Ratification vote for a new contract with the Samsic PRM agents. These new members assist airline passengers with mobility issues get to and from their flight from a connecting flight, check-in and arrivals. Just over a year ago they reached out for help to secure better rights and better pay. They were over-worked and underpaid. The company played favouritism which

IAM Canada and David Chartrand call for a fair and transparent process for military procurement contracts

24 October, 2023 IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand attended an important round table in Ottawa addressing the replacement of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s CP-140 Aurora military aircraft. The Canadian GVP was in attendance to stress the importance of a strategic and well-thought-out replacement, as an unfavourable decision may impact member’s jobs. Organised by Bloc Québécois MP Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay, the discussion was on the process of bids for tender

District 250 And Its Locals Hone Their Communication Skills

IAMAW District 250 provided training for each Local Lodge representative to better communicate to their membership through their website, as well as to reach out to the youth and next generation of IAMAW members. The training was delivered by Frank Saptel from the Canadian Office. The Training was held on October 23 – 25 at the District Lodge Office in Surrey BC. The three-day training was held at Northwest District

Stewards' Training in Owen Sound LL386

This week I had the opportunity to work with this group of shop stewards from Local Lodge 386 in Owen Sound, ON. It was great to see the next generation of leaders step up and continue the fight to ensure fair representation for their members at Hobart Food Equipment Group in Owen Sound, Ontario. Allan Kivel (third from the left) is the father of Nate Brown, LL386 Communicator and WebSteward.

Highest-ever number of female delegates at District 140 Convention

IAM District 140’s 25th anniversary marked another milestone in their history! Ivana Saula, Canadian Research Director and Canadian Director of Women and Human Rights, noted that the number of female delegates was the highest ever. “It is also nice that the number of sisters who attend as delegates continues to grow- it’s a testament to the District’s commitment to equity, and inclusion. Progress may not always occur at a speed