New Kingsway Arms Agreement Considered a Gem!

Bowmanville, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1295 employed by Kingsway Arms Incorporated are all smiles after ratifying a new collective agreement. ‘We’re extremely pleased with this agreement which includes the introduction of the IAM Pension Plan as well as improvements in many benefit areas,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 78 Directing Business Representative Paul Mitchell. The three-year agreement provides for wage increases of 1.5 per cent in the first

Machinists Break New Ground with Moduline!

Penticton, BC – The IAMAW has broken new ground in its latest collective agreement with Moduline Industries Canada Limited. “For the first time, our workers over the age of 55 or with 30 years seniority can volunteer for a reduced work week schedule,” said IAMAW District Lodge 250 Directing Business Representative Stan Pickthall. The language calls for a four-day workweek and the participants must sign up for one calendar year

National Precision Workers Join Machinists!

Montréal, QC – Workers at National Precision are the newest members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1758. “Health and Safety issues were the main reasons these workers sought protection and representation with the Machinists,” explained Hélène Fréchette, IAMAW District Lodge 11 Organizer. “Once these workers had a chance to talk with IAMAW District 11 Business Representative Pierre Brisebois, Luc Morasse, President of Local Lodge 1758 and other lodge officers, their choice

DCM Workers Join IAMAW!

Boisbriand, QC – Aerospace workers at DCM Aéronautique have joined the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. “These workers were looking for respect from their employer and they weren’t getting it,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 11 Directing Business Representative David Chartrand. “They chose the Machinists because they wanted someone to represent their workplace concerns to the employer. Simply put they were tired of having their issues ignored.” The 20

Messier-Dowty Machinists Ratify New Deal!

Ajax, ON – IAMAW Local Lodge 905 members employed by Messier-Dowty have a new collective agreement. “Our biggest objective in this round of bargaining was the protection of all classifications when it comes to lay off by seniority,” explained IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative Bill Shipman. The Machinist classification was vulnerable to lay off if the employer found that a Machinist had a skills inability. “After lengthy discussions, we were successful

Machinists Ratify New Agreement at Hickman!

Clarenville, NL – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 544 have ratified a new collective agreement with Hickman Motors by a margin of 75 per cent. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 6 per cent in the first year, 6 per cent in the second year and 5 per cent in the third year. The agreement also provides for an increase in the employees tool allowance from $250.00 to $350.00

ITUC supports UGTT and the Tunisian people in their fight against corruption and for democracy, calls for greater dialogue with all the peoples of the region

24 January, 2011 : The International Trade Union Confederation has reiterated its total support for its affiliated organisation in Tunisia, the UGTT, and the Tunisian people, which have been mobilising in massive numbers and with great courage, for over a month, in favour of equality, social justice, political freedom and democracy. It was the suicide, on 17 December 2010, of a young street vendor in Sidi Bouzid following the confiscation

Aviation Partners Employees Sign with Machinists!

For Immediate Release Montréal, QC – Employees of Aviation Partners Incorporated located at Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport are the newest members of the IAMAW. “It was a very fast certification campaign, 30 days from start to finish,” said a satisfied IAMAW District 140 Organizer Robert Savoie. Aviation Partners took over the aircraft grooming business when Swissport decided to let their contracts with United and Sunwing Airlines, expire. “Some of

Poster Contest - International Year of Youth

In honour of the “International Year of Youth,” identified by the United Nations General Assembly to be the year commencing International Youth Day 2010, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) launches a Poster Contest in the hopes of highlighting the struggles young workers face today. Grand Prize: $500.00Visit for more information!Contest Closes: Monday, February 21, 2011Participants must reside in Canada and be under the age of thirty (30). DOWNLOAD THE