District 140 Convention

Transportation District Lodge 140 recently held their annual convention in Whistler, BC. President and Directing General Chairperson, Chuck Atkinson, and Secretary Treasurer, Randy Smith, ran a great convention where over 50 delegates and 18 guests attended. The two day event held an election of one new Vice president, 3 trustees, and 5 Board members to the Executive Board as follows: Vice President – Marcel St-Jean, Trustees – Andrew MacFarlane, Lou

Machinists Continue to Grow with OPT

For Immediate Release Richmond Hill, ON – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has added more members with the expansion of Ontario Patient Transfer’s newest base in Richmond Hill just north of Toronto. “We’re building on the relationship we developed with OPT since we organized their home base in Hamilton more than a year ago,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. “As they continue to grow,

Continental Service Agents Join Machinists!

For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – Forty-One Service agents at Continental Airlines at Pearson International Airport are the newest members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. The IAMAW also represents United Airlines service agents in Vancouver. “This is the first group of Continental employees in Canada to join the Machinists and job security was foremost on the minds,” said IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. Continental

Strike Narrowly Avoided at Wexxar Packaging!

For Immediate Release Delta, BC – Benefits are not the usual make or break strike issue in most contract negotiations but they were certainly front and center in talks between IAMAW Local Lodge 692 and Wexxar Packaging. “Mediation had produced a four-year agreement but the sticking point was who was going to pay for Long and Short term disability benefits,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Paul Pelletreau. “The

Maple Ridge Chrysler Inks Deal with Machinists!

For Immediate Release Vancouver BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1857 have ratified a new collective agreement with Maple Ridge Chrysler. The three-year agreement provides wage increases of 2 per cent in the second and third year. “The most significant gain in this agreement is the implementation of the IAM-Labour Management Pension Fund starting in June 2011,” said IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Andrew Tricker. Pension contributions in

Geo Tech Shows that COLA Can Pay!

For Immediate Release Crofton, BC – “Our members at Geo Tech Industries have relied on uncapped Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA) clauses for the majority of their wage increases for many contracts and this latest agreement was no exception,” explains IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Alastair Haythornthwaite. Starting with an immediate 1.25 per cent increase, members of IAMAW Local Lodge 456 will get COLA increases every six months. “In

Machinist at Three Point Motors have New Deal!

For Immediate Release Nanaimo, BC – Since the last collective agreement was signed, there have been many changes for members of IAMAW Local Lodge 456 at Three Point Motors. A luxury import auto group based in Ontario has bought out local ownership. The BMW store in Victoria has been purchased and a new dealership in Nanaimo will be built to carry five car lines: Mercedes, BMW, Smart Cars, Suburu and

Machinists Flag Reaches Summit of Kilimanjaro!

From left to right – IAMAW District 140 General Chairperson Michel Pelot proudly displays the Québec Machinists flag atop Mount Kilimanjaro with Robert Piché. Michel Pelot, Regional Assistant Director, IAMAW District 14 Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania – Michel Pelot looks at cloud cover much differently than he used to, but climbing the world’s fourth largest mountain tends to change your perspective on such things. In late September, Pelot joined other liked-minded

Machinists sign new Agreement with Cullen Diesel!

For Immediate Release Vancouver, BC – Machinists at eight Cullen Diesel service locations in British Columbia have ratified a new three-year collective agreement. The agreement provides wage increases of 1 per cent in the first year, 2 per cent in the second year and 2 per cent in the third year. Other agreement high lights include : • Field Premium rate increases from $3.11 per hour to $3.46 per hour in

Machinists Ratify Cat Rental Agreement!

For Immediate Release Vancouver, BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 692 have ratified a new collective agreement with The Cat Rental Stores, by a margin of 85 per cent. “This new contract has a comprehensive list if improvements that the members are very pleased with,” said IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Al Cyr. The agreement provides for wage increases of 1.5 per cent in the second year and