Whose Boom?

  Federal Finance Minister Flaherty says the boom times are over.   Now we are going to have to “adjust our expectations”and tighten our belts.  Most Canadians might ask – what boom is he talking about?  And whose belts will he be tightening? Even though the overall numbers for economic growth over the last decade weren’t bad -up to the 2008 crash – the benefits were not widely spread.  While our

Carter Dodge Signs New Agreement with Machinists!

For Immediate Release Burnaby, BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1857 have ratified a new collective agreement with Carter Dodge Chrysler Limited. “Wage increases of 2 percent in each year of a three-year deal tipped the balance for the membership,” explained IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Walter Gerlach. “Technician bonus calculations and staffing issues for the Parts Department were also addressed to the members’ satisfaction.” The tool allowance,

Pharmetics will Phase Out Fort Erie Plant!

For Immediate Release Fort Erie, ON – Once again the members of IAMAW Local Lodge 171 will face the possibility of losing their jobs after Pharmetics Incorporated announced it is phasing out its Fort Erie facility. The 180 members reluctantly ratified a five-year agreement, which included a wage cut of $ .45 per hour in the fifth year, reduction of benefits and no pension contributions in order to save their

Timken Machinists Accept Three-year Deal!

For Immediate Release Prince George, BC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 692 have ratified a new three-year collective agreement with Timken Company, formerly Q.M. Bearings & Power Transmissions. The new agreement provides wage increases of 1.25 per cent in the first year, 1.5 per cent in the second year and 2 per cent in the third year. “Even when the economy is down, Machinists can still negotiate wage increases,”

Machinists Build on Past Agreements to Improve Wages!

For Immediate Release Duncan, BC – Building on wages won in the last collective agreement, Journeyman members of IAMAW Local Lodge 692 employed at Duncan Iron Works, continue to enjoy among the top rates for Machinists on Vancouver Island. “We built upon the success of the last collective agreement and our tradesmen now earn $31.50 an hour plus an additional $3.15 to the LL692 pension plan,” explained IAMAW District Lodge

A Single Meeting Produces Deal at Berk’s Intertruck!

For Immediate Release Nanaimo, BC – When there is respect in the workplace it does not take long to produce a collective agreement that everyone can live with. A case in point is Berk’s Intertruck in Nanaimo. “Management at Berk’s appreciates the skills of our members and this is reflected at the bargaining table,” says a justifiably proud IAMAW District Lodge 250 Business Representative Alastair Haythornthwaite. “We reached our agreement

Machinists Ink New Deal with Finning!

Edmonton, AB – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 99 have ratified a new two-year collective agreement with Finning International. “Money was actually settled relatively quickly,” said IAMAW District Lodge 14 Business Representative Kevin Clark. “It was everything else that almost consumed seven months of tough bargaining.” The two-year agreement provided no wage increase in the first year and a 2.75 per cent wage increase in the second year. Other agreement

Implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 - Ensure women’s participation in peace-building

HAUT We have 2 weeks left to impress the UN Security Council with a strong call to end sexual violence in conflict and ensure that women are part of peace talks that affect their lives. Take a stand today:  sign the petition before October 21, urging governments to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 that ensures women’s participation in peace-building. In today’s wars, ninety percent of casualties are civilians, and

Rise up for Your Rights Conference 2010

This is an activist conference, for workers who recognize and are determined to change what Conservative policies mean for aboriginal and racialized communities, for LGBT communities, for people living with disabilities and for women. This event is also for our allies who understand what the Conservative agenda has in store for communities who don’t share their vision. This will be an important moment for those who want to help build

IAMAW members demonstrate outside CIRB offices in Ottawa

There was a strong showing on Monday October 4, 2010 outside the offices of the Canadian Industrial Relations Board in Ottawa (CIRB) by hundreds of members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) — Air Canada employees who were seconded to Aveos Fleet Performance Inc.