Green Economy Network

A GREEN ECONOMY NETWORKWORKING TOGETHER FOR SUSTAINABILITY, JOBS AND FAIRNESS The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges.  Our continuing production  of greenhouse gases is leading to climate change that threatens to disrupt human life as we know it.   We are heavily dependent on fossil fuels that are increasingly expensive and environmentally-damaging.  At the same time, we face challenges to our economic sustainability.  In Canada, the current downturn is only the

La sécurité des retraites pour tous

Les régimes de pensions et l’épargne-retraite ont été durement frappés par la crise économique, et la sécurité de nombreux Canadiens et Canadiennes est en péril. Certains employeurs veulent même éliminer les régimes à prestations déterminées auxquels leurs employés et employées ont cotisé pendant toute leur vie active. Les personnes qui ont des REER et d’autres pensions privées et qui ont investi considérablement dans le capital-actions et les marchés financiers ont

Retirement security for everyone

Pension plans and retirement savings have been hit hard by the economic crisis and the security of many Canadians is at risk. Some companies even want to cut defined benefit plans that employees paid into throughout their working lives. People with RRSPs and other private pensions that invested heavily in stock and financial markets have seen their investments lose much of their value.   We must expand public pensions and

Machinists Expand in Alberta!

Calgary, AB – Forty maintenance employees at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Limited, are the newest members of the IAMAW. “The company fought this certification but in the end, the Alberta Labour Board sided with the Machinists,” explained a satisfied Rick Arsenault, IAMAW District 14 Directing Business Representative. Unlike most organizing campaigns, this one was not about money. “We have part-time workers who have worked 40 hour weeks for 15

Machinists Sign Four –Year Deal with CPC Pumps!

Burlington, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 235 have ratified a new collective agreement with CPC Pumps International. The four-year agreement provides for wage increases of 2 per cent in each year. Other agreement highlights include :  • Improved benefits • Additional Statutory holiday • Improved job posting language The fifty members manufacture industrial pumps for industries worldwide. IAMAW, among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, represents more

Jour de deuil national du 28 avril 2010

Chaque année, le syndicat des Machinistes se joint au mouvement syndical et aux organismes de santé et sécurité d’accréditation syndicale partout au pays dans le cadre d’un effort visant à rendre hommage à la mémoire des travailleurs tués ou mutilés tragiquement dans leur milieu de travail et, surtout, à continuer de dénoncer le carnage et la perte personnelle découlant des accidents de travail et des maladies professionnelles. Ces efforts jouent

Les Machinistes ratifient une nouvelle entente avec GKN Sinter Metals!

St. Thomas, ON – Les membres de la section locale 1975 de l’AIMTA ont ratifié une nouvelle convention collective d’une durée de trois ans avec GKN Sinter Metals. L’entente d’une durée de trois ans prévoit des augmentations de salaire annuelles de 2 %. Actuellement, le salaire moyen s’établit à 22,51 $ l’heure. Voici d’autres points saillants de l’entente : • Majoration de l’allocation pour l’achat de bottes de protection de

Machinists Ratify New Deal with GKN Sinter Metals!

St. Thomas, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1975 have ratified a new three-year collective agreement with GKN Sinter Metals. The three year agreement provides wage increases of 2 per cent in each year. The current average wage rate is $22.51 per hour. Other agreement highlights include : • Safety boot allowance increased by $5.00 in each year of the agreement • Paid up Life insurance benefits increase by $500.00

FiliMat Signs new Three-year Deal!

Mississauga, ON – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1922 have ratified a new collective agreement with Filimat Inc. The new agreement provides for wage increases of 1.5 percent in the first year and 2 per cent in the second and third year. Other agreement highlights include : • Increased Life Insurance coverage • Increased Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage • Safety Boot increase • Pension plan contribution increases in 2nd and

Machinists avoid strike at B.A. Banknote!

Ottawa, ON – Production of Canadian currency will continue uninterrupted following the ratification of a new collective agreement by members of IAMAW Local Lodge 412. The thirteen members who oversee maintenance of printing equipment for the production of Canadian and foreign national currencies and security papers for B.A. Banknote International, were in a legal strike position. The three-year agreement provides for wage increases of 2 per cent in each of