Women's Worlds

Women’s Worlds Theme Inclusions, exclusions, and seclusions: Living in a globalized world The theme of Women’s Worlds 2011 is “Inclusions, exclusions, and seclusions: Living in a globalized world”. Why? Where globalization and women are concerned, provocative questions abound: Does globalization include, exclude, and/or seclude women? As global hierarchies realign, how are gender roles and identities evolving? How are social identifications like power, privilege, citizenship, and nation affected? Ours is an

The Middle Class is Growing – but not in North America warns DaCosta!

Carlos Da Costa New York, NY – There is an increase worldwide in the middle class and it’s expected to increase by 1.8 billion more by 2020 according to aviation financial analysts. Megacities will increase from 19 to 27 by 2025 and consumer buying power will multiply with them. But while the middle class is shrinking in North America; it’s growing in China, India, and Latin America. According to IAMAW

International MRO/Airline Report – 2009 by Carlos Da Costa

This report is based on the information received at the 2009 MRO (Maintenance Repair & Overhaul) Conference held in Grapevine, Texas on April 2009. All data is based on figures known at that time. This MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul) conference is considered to be the largest in the world where the major players from the MRO and airline industry attend from around the world. The data delivered is partially

Changes to EI Benefits are Needed Now!

By Gord Falconer-IAMAW Education Representative Between October 2008 and May 2009, 363,000 Canadians lost their jobs — and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD, projects unemployment to rise to 9.8% in 2010. In this global recession, the weakness of Canada’s Em¬ployment Insurance (EI) system has become a glaring federal policy omission. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternates has completed a study on this very issue, by Lars

An open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama from the National Coordinator of the Canadian Health Coalition

May 7, 2009 Barack Obama President of the United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: As the national voice for Canadians who want to protect and expand our national public healthcare system, the Canadian Health Coalition would like to encourage your efforts to make health care available and affordable for all Americans. Canada’s national Medicare system is one that all

Machinists sign first agreement with OPT!

Friday July 17, 2009 For Immediate Release Hamilton, On – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 1295 employed with Ontario Patient Transfer have ratified their first collective agreement. “This is a good first agreement and it goes a long way to improving employee relations,” said a pleased Collin Cherry, IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative. “The majority of our membership is under the age of 30 and their biggest issue was a paid

Machinists Ratify Air Canada Agreement!

For Immediate Release Toronto, On – The members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers employed at Air Canada have ratified a tentative agreement with the national air Carrier. The Machinists, the largest union at Air Canada with 12,300 members, representing technical, maintenance and operational support workers, ratified the agreement by a margin of 60.32 per cent. “The majority of the membership has spoken in favour of this

Machinists have First Contract with A & R Belley!

For Immediate Release Sherbrooke, QC – Members of IAMAW Local Lodge 922 employed by Belley for the warehouses of both Sherbrooke and Québec location that specializes in integrated packaging solutions, have finally ratified their first collective agreement after a one year negotiation period. Brother Mario Clermont, together with negotiating member René Sinotte says they are proud to have produced a final proposal agreeable to the majority of the workers. The

Machinists search for Alternative Proposal!

Thursday July 2, 2009 For Immediate Release Toronto, On – Members of the IAMAW Air Canada bargaining team will have internal discussions on how best to proceed in the wake of the membership’s rejection of the tentative agreement with the airline. “Once these discussions are complete our bargaining team will meet with the company as soon as possible so we can move forward to a successful conclusion,” said IAMAW District

Machinists Reject Air Canada Tentative Offer!

Wednesday July 1, 2009 For Immediate Release Toronto, On – The IAMAW membership employed by Air Canada has narrowly rejected the tentative agreement that was reached in early June, following a week-long voting process across the country. While Finance and Clerical divisions were overwhelmingly in favour of their collective agreements, the members of Technical Maintenance and Operational Services division – which include heavy and line maintenance mechanics, millwrights, baggage and