More Patient Transfer Workers Join Machinists!

Tuesday June 23, 2009 For Immediate Release Sarnia, ON – Employees of Voyageur Patient Transfer Services are the latest workers from the health care sector to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. “These people were aware of the growing number of Patient Transfer Workers who have joined the Machinists for better representation, wages and benefits,” said IAMAW District Lodge 78 Organizer Scott Jackson. “There is a great

Rapport annuel des violations des droits syndicaux

76 syndicalistes assassinés en 2008 Préface En ouvrant l’édition de cette année du Rapport annuel des violations des droits syndicaux, vous pourriez penser à l’impact terrifiant de la crise financière et économique mondiale qui a touché en 2008 des millions de travailleurs et de travailleuses aux quatre coins du monde, tant dans les pays industrialisés qu’en développement. La crise met l’accent sur la nécessité de développer une économie mondiale basée

Annual survey of violations of trade union rights 2009

76 trade unionists murdered around the world in 2008 Foreword As you open this year’s Annual Survey of Trade Union Violations, you may be thinking of the terrifying impact of the global financial and economic crisis which hit millions of working women and men around the world in both industrialised and developing countries in 2008. The crisis emphasises the need to develop a global economy based on decent jobs and

Rapport sur l’égalité - par Irene Mathyssen

Par Irene Mathyssen, porte-parole du NPD sur la condition féminine Table ronde sur l’équité salariale Les femmes ont mené une longue lutte acharnée pour avoir droit à une rémunération égale pour un travail de valeur égale. Avec l’adoption du projet de loi C-10 et de la Loi sur l’équité dans la rémunération du secteur public, notre Charte des droits et libertés a été ternie et les nombreuses femmes qui ont

Equality Report - by Irene Mathyssen

by Irene Mathyssen NDP critic for Status of Women Pay Equity Round Table Women have fought long and hard for the right to equal pay for work of equal value. With the passing of C-10 and the Public Sector Equitable Compensation Act our Charter of Human Rights has been tarnished and the many women who have fought long and hard for pay equity have been told loud and clear that

Machinists willing to work with Farley!

Friday June 5, 2009 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Air Canada’s largest union, says it is willing to work with newly appointed mediator James Farley. Farley, a former Ontario Supreme Court judge who presided over the airline’s court-protected restructuring in 2003 and 2004, has been appointed by Ottawa to help mediate the pension dispute between Air Canada and its unions and

Air Canada must change the way it Operates!

Friday May 29, 2009 For Immediate Release Toronto, ON – Air Canada’s largest union says the company must change the way it operates if it wants an agreement! That’s the consensus from the three bargaining committees of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers who are meeting with company officials today. “There has to be paradigm shift by the management of Air Canada and the Board of Directors of

New CSA Standard For Steel Storage Rack Safety

IAM SAFE New CSA Standard For Steel Storage Rack Safety Most or all workplaces forget about these tall steel pallet storage racks once they have been erected in their facilities. Do not fall into this category as these structures need to be inspected. Some of these racks can be more than two stories high and hold several hundred kilos of material or equipment. The hazard here is that forklifts and

Nouvelle norme csa visant à assurer la sécurité des étagères de rangement en acier

AIM SÉCURITÉ Nouvelle norme csa visant à assurer la sécurité des étagères de rangement en acier La plupart des milieux de travail, sinon tous les milieux de travail, ne portent plus attention à ces hautes étagères en acier utilisées pour le rangement de palettes une fois qu’elles ont été installées sur place. Pourtant, ces structures doivent être inspectées après leur installation. Certaines de ces étagères s’élèvent à plus de deux