IAM Local 1231 – helping refugees, creating community

IAM Union members of Local 1231 Women’s Committee took a donation of personal care items to the Beautiful Foundation. This organization is supporting over 300 refugees at two different locations. Speaking with Pastor Yvonne, she stated that the organization has an ongoing need for sweaters, light jackets, socks, hats and mitts to prepare for the fall weather, as well as shoes size 10+ for both men and women. They also

IAM Veteran's Committee launches

At the 2022 Grand Lodge Convention in Las Vegas, delegates recommended Local Lodges to establish new committees that advocate for women, human rights and veterans. George Zoni, President of Local 2468 in Montreal is leading the drive to establish a national IAM Veteran’s Committees across Canada, being a veteran himself. The main objective is to receive any and all support available to IAM Veterans from their respective governments. Other objectives

IAM Committee on the Future meets with members in Halifax Thursday night

#IAMAW IAM members in the Halifax area gathered on Thursday, 3 August, 2023 to share their ideas on the future of the IAM. Members shared their thoughts on the current state of the union as well as their vision of the future – from shared identity, diversity and representation to structure, and how to grow the union. The meetings were held at the NSGEU offices in Dartmouth. GVP Ricky Wallace

Support CLC Endorsement of UNITE HERE! Boycott

To:       Members of the CLC Canadian Council Greetings, UNITE HERE! has requested the CLC to endorse their boycott campaign targeted at 3 hotels in Vancouver. As per the boycott policy of the Congress, the Executive Committee has reviewed and approved the request. The CLC will endorse this boycott and I ask that all affiliates also support the members of UNITE HERE! As outlined in the letter making the request, the members of UNITE HERE! Local

National Staff with IAM Local 1922 ratify new agreement

IAM members of Local 1922 UFCW National Representatives and Staff ratified a new collective agreement this week. The agreement provides for annual salary increases, additional paid holiday, meal and moving allowance increases, as well as improvements to vacation and mileage. “In an ever-changing work environment, this agreement will also provide our members with additional support, which was a key concern raised by our members prior to bargaining,” said IAM Special Representative

LL54 BBQs for local engagement and solidarity

After returning from the Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists (OPCM) Convention this past June, the Local Lodge 54 Executive discussed the topic of local engagement, which was brought up at the Convention. The Executive decided one avenue for engagement with members was to hold a BBQ once a month for four months to show their appreciation to the membership. The four events were to accommodate all four shifts. All members

Local Lodge 3011, Canada’s newest local lodge receives charter

After joining the IAM earlier this year, 140 staff working for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) have received their official charter. Local Lodge 3011, based in Ottawa, Ontario, is Canada’s newest local. Officially chartered on 01 February, 2023, the members work for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and are staff comprising servicing representatives, administrative, clerical, finance, mobilisation, organising and more.

LL2468 President continues European trip with Budapest visit

George Zoni, President of IAM Local Lodge 2468 in Montreal, QC continued with his European visit by stopping by Siemens Energy Budapest. Zoni works for Siemens Energy in Montreal and was interested in meeting workers at Siemens operations in the cities he intended to visit in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. “My three guides, Attila, Laszlo, and Gabor were very forthcoming with the situation there. As is

Another industry-leading agreement for IAM Local Lodge 2309

The members of IAM Local Lodge 2309 working for Air Transat Crew and Air Transat Station Management have now agreed upon a new collective agreement which expires July 31 2027. “This is one of industry-leading wage increases for 2023, which ranges from 12% up to 20% in the first year and from 26% to 35% in 4 years,” said Peter Tsoukalas, General Chairperson for IMA District 140. “Furthermore, the staff


July 19, 2023 INDIGENOUS MMIWG2S PEOPLES ARE NOT WORTHLESS WINNIPEG—Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske, with the support of Manitoba Federation of Labour President Kevin Rebeck issued the following statement today: “Canada’s unions call on governments at all levels to commence a search for the remains of Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran, and an unidentified woman who has been named Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe (Buffalo Woman) in the Prairie Green landfill.” “The decision